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Treating High Blood Pressure Without Medication

Treating high blood pressure without the use of medications may be possible. You can lower blood pressure using complementary therapies, making dietary and lifestyle changes. These changes can not only lower high blood pressure but also improve your overall health and well-being.

The only time this is allowable is with a doctor's guidance. If you are diagnosed with pre-hypertension, or stage one, mild hypertension, your doctor may not recommend any use of medication at this point.

Rather, the doctor may request the use of lifestyle changes to improve your health. This is a good sign since it means you can reverse the effects of high blood pressure.

These therapies are safe and very effective, if you have hypertension, such as aromatherapy, meditation, reflexology and yoga as they relax you.  While these other therapies, such as acupressure, acupuncture and herbal medicine, work at a deeper level.

Yet the quickest and most effective lifestyle change you can make to control high blood pressure is dietary change.  It is very simple. Consume lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, garlic, cut back on sodium intake and eat lots of superfoods.

Remember no drastic changes, everything in moderation and you'll have a positive impact on your blood pressure.

Still, if your doctor recommends the use of medications, you should take them.  It is important to avoid stopping this medication suddenly because that may cause a life-threatening spike in your blood pressure.

High blood pressure treatments may also include regular monitoring of your blood pressure. You can find monitors locally or online. But talk with your doctor about potentially treating your high blood pressure without medications, first.

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5 Ways To Make Lifestyle Changes

To reduce high blood pressure, start with these lifestyle changes:

  1. Reduce your weight by 10 percent. This often helps to take the ease off your heart and reduces high blood pressure naturally. Work towards maintaining a healthy weight.

  2. Eliminate smoking and excessive alcohol use. Smoking is one of the most significant reasons people have high blood pressure.

  3. Reap the many benefits of exercising. The best treatment option is to get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, consecutively or break it up into three, 10-minute sessions. Even just walking is good.

  4. Reduce your consumption of red meat. Red meat has a lot of saturated fat, which leads to a narrowing of the arteries, which in turn increase blood pressure. Replace it with more green vegetables and deeply colored vegetables. These can remove some of the damage done.

  5. Supplement your diet with fish oil, co-enzyme Q10, folic acid and garlic. Each of these all-natural supplements will help naturally lower your blood pressure.

Be Consistent With Treating High Blood Pressure Without Medication

Use complementary therapies such as yoga, acupressure, aromatherapy, meditation to naturally treat high blood pressure.

One of the keys to controlling high blood pressure is being consistent.  Invest the time it takes in improving your health by making good decisions every day.

Avoid those foods and lifestyle choices that could cause a spike in your high blood pressure. 

If you are struggling, involve friends and family or find a friend to workout with on a daily basis. Keep your motivation high so that you can continue to keep your blood pressure low.

Your Lifestyle Diet For High Blood Pressure

What lifestyle have you adopted since you were diagnosed with high blood pressure? Are you feeling satisfied and are there any weight loss?

Share your secrets on the diet that has reversed or complement your high blood pressure treatment. And how long have you maintained this way of eating?

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