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Overcoming High Blood Pressure is the name of my weekly newsletter, where you’ll learn the many ways to lower high blood pressure naturally. Be informed of this silent killer and chronic disease many complications like heart disease, and its impact on the individuals of my community.
Of note African descents is the population most at risk for developing high blood pressure and its consequences.
Heart disease is shortening the lives of millions of people and diminishing the quality of life of others. It is currently the leading cause of death. If you have complications, you want to prevent them from progressing and even reversing them if possible. But before you can benefit from modern medicine and technology, you must learn how to manage your own health first.
Your health is mostly in your hands, and I’m hoping you’ll realize how empowering that is.
I created this newsletter from my studies, medical research, guides on prevention treatments of this silent killer called high blood pressure. Subscribe today to learn of the many possibilities in overcoming HBP.
So, how’s your blood pressure?
I was diagnosed with this chronic disease where it became normal for me to have my tongue and face swollen, endure dizziness and a dry hacking cough. I was learning to live in a suffering state.
High blood pressure slowly steals the joy of living. This disease had consumed my young life. If I had not been rescued and led to the path of nourishment, purification, and alternative measures I don’t think I would still be living.
Of utmost importance for you to have a fulfilling life, you must bring your high blood pressure under control. Prevent it from inflicting on your body the devastating consequences of heart, kidney and brain damage.
That’s something to think about. Again, I ask you how’s your blood pressure and are you seeking help in managing this silent killer naturally? If so, do join and learn of the many possibilities in overcoming HBP.
In adults between the ages of 18 to 35, this disease is more prevalent in men than women. But after women reaches the age of 50, when we lose our estrogen protection due to menopause or the removal of our ovaries, women have a higher prevalence than men.
By nature, both women and men are sensual beings. But when your health is deteriorating there is no interest or strength for you to maintain the sexual being that you are.
You must believe that high blood pressure can be brought under control with a successful treatment plan, that takes a serious look at your treatment goals, fitting goals into your lifestyle, and lifestyle to your goals.
Overcoming high blood pressure provides you with resources, suggestions, detailed information on complementary therapies that enable healthy living and disease prevention.
Up-to-date, innovative and ongoing information about high blood pressure treatments, diets, nutrition, recipes, exercises and expertise of health professionals and research centers.
Overcoming high blood pressure is about the possibility of healing, prevention or the reversal of this silent killer disease. On how you can wake up in the morning with energy and enthusiasm, able to physically take care of yourself, live well and eat well, and be free of any major aches, pains, and disabilities.
It means keeping your heart in shape.
Is to get you started on achieving normal blood pressure. I created this downloadable free e-Book on how to use Acupressure Fingertip Manipulation – 7 Seconds For A More Dynamic Sex Life And to Lower High Blood Pressure, that will arrive within my welcoming email to you.
Apply these acupressure techniques by finding your magic buttons and start your morning using your fingertips to manipulate your body's energy, improve your sexuality, and best of all control your high blood pressure, even in an emergency.
It is my way of thanking you for joining my community to overcoming high blood pressure.
My Dear Readers, overcoming high blood pressure newsletter will answer YOUR most important questions about high blood pressure and its many complications, alternative treatments and nutrition that you can submit through my Contact Me page or by hitting reply to my actual newsletter.
So be sure to join in the conversation and submit a question anytime you want!
Also, I'll be updating and growing this site with lots of information on nutrition, sexual dysfunctions, treatments and new findings of innovative treatment, on reversing, and probably even curing high blood pressure.
Although your subscription begins with the next publication, you can start now by going to my back issues. So please sign up today, by clicking on the subscribe button below, for my newsletter so that you will not miss a thing.
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