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Stretching | The Surprising Key To Healthier Arteries Over Walking?

Imagine a world where each stretch you make nourishes your body, making you feel rejuvenated and alive. A practice so simple, yet so impactful. Today, we're diving deep into a topic that could revolutionize your daily routine: Is body stretching more beneficial for your health than walking? Let's begin this transformative journey together.

Body Stretching.

In the late 1980s, during my time at Lucille Roberts Fitness Studio, stretching became a beloved part of my exercise routine. These sessions left my body feeling invigorated, relieving muscle tightness and enhancing overall well-being. Upon reading Dr. Chilibeck’s article, which suggests that stretching could be more beneficial than walking, I was astonished. This revelation was intriguing, given the prevailing belief that walking is the quintessential exercise for health.

Now with new comparison studies between walking and doing a body stretch the question is which is more impactful in lowering your blood pressure. 

Why Stretching Matters!

Stretching isn't just a series of motions; it’s a potent wellness tool. Stretching your body not only makes your muscles flexible but also elongates and enhances the flexibility of your blood vessels, including arteries. This profound impact can resonate with your overall well-being in ways you might not have imagined.

So when I recently read an article that states stretching is better for the body than walking... What!! I had to get into that article, because I've also read, heard and known, by the many published studies, that walking was the very best form of exercising.

Walking. Stretching blood vessels and arteries.

As you are aware, anyone that's serious about their fitness wears fitness trackers so that they can have an accurate account of how many steps they take daily, and the recommended amount is 10,000 steps.


You can imagine how this article 'Stretching is superior to walking’ captioned my attention. I had to bring its possibilities to your awareness.

We all live with an aging population of individuals who we love dearly, some unknown to us, but we know are within our community and world, whose arteries are hardening daily. Having them become aware of the many benefits of and introducing them to stretching can be life changing.


They can do body stretching at home, even in their beds, doesn’t cost anything for them to do. Just include into their lifestyle as part of their physical movement.

Imagine the return of flexibility to their bodies, enhancing all their movements and might even help in their balance.

Stretching Vs. Walking: The Battle For Better Health

Recent studies have sparked a fascinating debate: Which is more beneficial in lowering your blood pressure, stretching or walking? Historical perspectives have favored walking as the ultimate exercise, supported by countless studies and fitness experts who recommend achieving 10,000 steps a day.

However, the University of Saskatchewan's Kinesiology Professor Dr. Phil Chilibeck (PhD) has shed new light on the topic. According to his research, stretching may actually surpass walking in promoting arterial health and reducing blood pressure that I found to be very interesting, believable and amazing.

Immediately I remembered that whenever I am doing Yoga or Pilates, many of the poses are stretching and how my muscle tingles, releases and feels so good providing my body with its flexibility and vibrant health.

Aging And Arterial Health - How Stretching Can Help!

In our aging society, many people face the issue of arterial stiffness, which can significantly impact their health. Stretching, as described by Dr. Chilibeck, could be life-changing for these individuals. It is a simple, cost-free activity that can be done at home or even in bed, making it accessible to everyone.

Imagine the elderly regaining flexibility, improving their movements, and possibly enhancing their balance, all through regular stretching. The potential benefits are vast and profound.

The Science Behind Stretching And Its Impact On Arteries

Let me tell you how vital the arteries are to your circulation.

Yoga pose, upward dog, stretching.

Arteries are more than just vessels; they are lifelines that carry blood from the heart to the lungs and throughout the body. These arteries branch out like a tree, forming capillaries that feed nearly every tissue. When we stretch, these blood vessels, including arteries, are also stretched. This stretching reduces arterial stiffness, facilitating smoother blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

This insight into the connection between stretching and arterial health is revolutionary. The notion that such a simple, natural movement can significantly impact health is both incredible and empowering.

What I love about this article is that they say when you stretch your muscles, you're also stretching all the blood vessels that feed into the muscles, including the arteries, reducing their stiffness allowing for ease in the circulation of blood flow leading to better levels of blood pressure.

Daily Body Stretch - A Natural Path To Vibrant Health

When we stretch, we activate natural clot-dissolving properties in the blood, aiding in clearing arteries and reducing risk factors associated with heart disease. This allows us to manage our blood pressure effectively through a relaxing, natural movement.

My personal experience with Yoga and Pilates, where many poses involve stretching, confirms the profound benefits of this practice. The tingling sensation, muscle release, and overall sense of well-being are testament to the benefits of regular stretching.

Now I'm encouraging you to embrace stretching as part of your daily routine!

Because now we all understand the potential health benefits of stretching, it’s time to incorporate it into your daily routine. Begin with simple stretches, gradually increasing intensity as your flexibility improves. Whether you’re at home, at work, or in between activities, find moments to stretch and rejuvenate your body.

I implore you to embrace the power of stretching. Start your body stretching practice today and activate those natural health benefits. Join my online program for guided sessions and tips to make the most out of your stretching routine.

In the ongoing debate between stretching and walking, it’s clear that both have unique benefits. However, the emerging evidence suggests that stretching could hold the key to healthier arteries and better blood pressure management.

So don’t wait to begin your journey to vibrant health today through the profound practice of stretching.

Wow... what is better than that. A movement as natural as can be, as easy and relaxing as stretching contributing to the management of your blood pressure.

I am convinced. 

Now I know why my body respond the way it does when I stretch and move daily. Start your body stretching practice today, and also activate natural clot-dissolving properties in your blood system clearing your arteries, lowering your risk factors with my online program now.

Return To The Elderly From Body Stretching

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