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High Blood Pressure and Anxiety:
A Dangerous Combination

High blood pressure and anxiety do not necessarily have a direct correlation to each other. In other words, if you have high blood pressure, you are not likely to have anxiety. Moreover, if you have anxiety, this does not mean that you will have high blood pressure.

However, it is possible to have both conditions and that situation can lead to some significant problems, like stress.  Anxiety itself does not lead to high blood pressure. Rather, high blood pressure is defined as pressure that remains high even when you are resting.

Anxiety causes attacks in which your blood pressure may spike because it causes your fight or flight hormones to be ejected into the body's blood stream which causes the heart to pump harder and faster.

However, anxiety attacks are generally limited time events. When the attack is over, your heart rate returns to normal and no high blood pressure is necessarily evident.  Still there are some circumstances when anxiety can be troublesome though:
  • If you have high blood pressure already and you have anxiety attacks, this can lead to a dangerous high spike in blood pressure, which increases your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

  • If you have continuous anxiety or anxiety that occurs frequently, this can cause the same damage to your arteries as having high blood pressure can cause.

  • Anxiety also leads many people to negative behaviors that are likely to lead to the development of high blood pressure. Those with constant anxiety attacks are more likely to smoke, drink, or overeat. This can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Prescribed Medication Risks

It is also important to point out that some medications to treat anxiety can cause an increase in your blood pressure.

If you are taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRI's, this can lead to a spike in your blood pressure that can be dangerous for those that have high blood pressure already.

Applying Essential Oils To The Skin

Essential Oils are perfectly suited to immediately influence and begin correcting emotional imbalance that are related to high blood pressure and anxiety.  By harnessing the potent therapeutic properties of pure oils you are able to rapidly and profoundly affect your body at several levels to improve your mental and emotional well-being.

Cedarwood a primary essential oil therapy contains the sesquiterpene cedrol, which help to induce relaxation.  The Journal of Physiological Anthropology research in 2007 found that cedrol produced relaxing and sedating effect by influencing the autonomic nervous system.

When you smell an essential oil, the olfactory receptors in your nasal passage immediately respond and send signals to your brain, which promotes dynamic physiological changes.

For rapid absorption into your body, simply apply a few drops of essential oil directly to your skin or use a convenient roll-on applicator.

Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) is well known to promote feelings of relaxation.  Inhaling this calming and soothing oil promotes balance, both physically and emotionally.  It is the most versatile of all essential oils.

Anxiety and high blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and researchers of the 2008 issue of the International Journal of Cardiology, evaluated the effect of lavender on cortisol levels and circulation.

They found that just inhaling lavender for thirty minutes significantly reduced serum cortisol levels and considerably increased coronary circulation.

Getting Control Of Your High Blood Pressure And Anxiety

If you have high blood pressure and anxiety, it is very important for you to treat both conditions. Reducing and then controlling blood pressure is critical to maintaining your healthy long term.

Further, getting control of your anxiety can help to reduce your risks of worsening your high blood pressure.  

Doctors can help you to find the best treatment for your particular needs, which often involves both physician treatment and mental health provider treatment.

Once you get control, however, you can be protected from complications and risks.

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