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Stem Cells And High Blood Pressure Therapy

Recent research states that stem cells and high blood pressure therapy are widely being studied for the potential of a therapeutic use, their interest and best of all a cure. Given their unique regenerative abilities to heal your body of diseases, stem cells offer exciting new potentials in treating heart disease.

After years of research and work, it seems the possibility to create an alternative high blood pressure treatment using stem cells is on the brink of being discovered.

Presently, stem cells treatment have cured enlarged hearts resulting from heart attacks, and shows the potential for your high blood pressure cure with the same kind of treatment.

Also these researchers have now discovered a new set of tangled knot DNA structures that forms, dissolves and forms again. Read more about this new development below.

What Are Stem Cells?

To me what gets me excited about stem cells and high blood pressure cure possibilities is that stem cells have the ability to divide itself for an indefinite amount of time in culture; and to give rise to specialized cells.  From this ability to divide for indefinite periods a high blood pressure cure may be found.

The possibilities of science is so amazing!!!

Your own stem cells are called adult stem cells, also known as autologous adult stem cells, found in your own tissues, involves the least risk and are known to be an alternative cure for high blood pressure.

There are three sources of adult stem cells which can be taken from an umbilical cord blood, when you donate blood and from your own bone marrow.  The problems of matching tissues are eliminated if you are given your own stem cells, taken from your own body.

Stem cell definition requires that it possess self-renewal, it has the potential to regenerate tissue over a lifetime, and potency is from your bone marrow that has the ability to transplant one cell.  It must be be able to reproduce new blood and immune cells over a long term therein lies its potency.

Stem cells, are biological cells found in humans, animals and plants and are the type of cells which have the tendency to redevelop and renew themselves into various different categories of cells.

Stem Cells And High Blood Pressure Therapy

Stem cells and high blood pressure is a study in progress, but scientists say that it is very encouraging.  At some stage it will be possible to cure high blood pressure with stem cell therapy.

How Stem Cell Works

By transplanting this self-renewal and self-redevelopment property, adult stem cells found in your body can be used as an innovative remedy for high blood pressure.

It treats your damaged tissues of delicate blood arteries.

The process includes using an adult stem cell and identifying its purpose and then implanting it in that specific organ for which it is meant to self renew.  However, most of the tests being currently done are on a very small scale.

It was observed that adult stem cells in your body are in very small quantity and once they are removed their division becomes limited. Scientists believe that they have to find ways to increase their numbers to make stem cells therapy work.

For now, more US Government funding is being provided for adult stem cell research. So there is hope that stem cells therapy will definitely become an alternative treatment for high blood pressure and may also provide a cure.

Discovery Of New DNA Called I-Motif DNA Structures 

I-Motif - Tangled Knot of new DNA Structure,, Tangled Knot of DNA Cells Within The Human Genes

A new an exciting chapter in the human gene has just been discovered and the question is how will it impact our health and diseases. As excited as they are and I am, my question is how will it affect the healing possibilities of stem cells and high blood pressure research?

This new twisted knot of DNA is DNA, but not as how it has ever been seen or known. This type of cells has never been seen before living inside the human genes.

Scientists now thing these different shapes, the I-Motif looks entirely different to the normally seen double-stranded DNA double helix, might play an important role in how and when the DNA code is 'read'.

In this new knot structure, which they have studied before in detail but only under artificial conditions in a laboratory and not inside cells, they see them forming, dissolving and forming again. The questions now are why do they do that and what is the clue to why they form, dissolve and form again.

Read more about this exciting discover from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research.

Stem Cells And High Blood Pressure Therapy

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B klein Not rated yet
Actually did a cord stem procedure for pain in leg due to a bad knee and damage from Lipitor. Within a month I was off of pain medicine. Used to take …

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