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B klein

by Bruce

Actually did a cord stem procedure for pain in leg due to a bad knee and damage from Lipitor. Within a month I was off of pain medicine. Used to take 12 Advil a day for two years.

Checked my blood pressure and it dropped twenty points.

Response From Donna of

Hi Bruce,

Thank you so much for sharing such a great reversal of high blood pressure story.

Cord stem procedure was used to heal your knee and organ damage from Lipitor. But it seems the beneficial side effect from this procedure was the lowering of your high blood pressure.

This proves how effective stem cell injected into the body, has such an amazing healing power.

I am asking my readers to contribute more to this page on cord stem cell therapy, because I know very little about it, so please review my information below and add or point out any error I made.

Lets get started.

Stem cord cell is usually from a baby's umbilical cord and placenta, and like bone marrow and peripheral blood is a rich source of stem cells for transplantation. This is an accepted treatment to restore the body's ability to heal itself.

Donor cells may come from a related or an unrelated matched donor.

The cord blood, researchers say is an excellent alternative treatment for many diseases, and as stated by Bruce lowers high blood pressure. It is a non-surgical procedure and is liken to receiving a blood transfusion.

There are several programs in place for individuals in need of transplantation, so get more information from US Department of Health and Human Services.

The continuation of clinical trials on the use of umbilical cord blood stem cells will vastly improve knowledge and increase the survival rates of terminal diagnosed individuals.

Again thanks to Bruce for sharing his experience and wishing him continued vibrant health.

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