Your High Blood Pressure Natural Remedies Activities
High blood pressure natural remedies include herbs, natural diets, supplements, exercises and healthy ways of living for curing this disease. There are plenty of natural ways to reverse high blood pressure, but often seemed overwhelming as you may not know where to start.
Here we have listed a day plan consisting of effective high blood pressure natural remedies in an organized and easy way to follow manner.
Try These High Blood Pressure Natural Remedies For A Quality Life

- Start Your Day - Get up half an hour earlier than usual and take a bottle of warm water and add a few green tea leaves in it or prepare and fill your water bottle with Hawthorn Berries tea, and drink all day for no more than two weeks, then break for at least a month.
Go out for a walk, preferably barefooted, on green grass. If you can't find grass nearby, light jogging or going for a walk is equally effective.
Drink water and breathe deeply during this exercise.
- For Breakfast - You can eat cereal, low fat milk, orange juice, whole wheat bread, yogurt, strawberries, boiled eggs, blueberries, banana etc.
A glass of lemon and honey drink is also great for fighting high blood pressure and body fat.
- For Lunch - Include fresh vegetables in your lunch. You can always prepare vegetable soup with spinach, potatoes, carrots, peas, and other seasonal vegetables.
Eat anything you like but avoid fats, oils, red meat and hot spices. You can use natural herbs like coriander, parsley, mint and basil leaves in your cooking. And consume lots of fresh garlic or garlic powder in every meal.
- Snacks - Raw vegetables and fruits are ideal for and to include in snacks. Completely avoid high sodium food and nuts.
You can bake low fat sugar stuff, grill fish or chicken and prepare deserts for yourself. Make sure you do not take excess amount of fat, sugar and salt.
- For Dinner - Best way is to keep your dinner light but full of nutrients. Chicken soup, beans, baked vegetables or seafood are great choices. Boiled rice, pasta and whole wheat bread can greatly complement your food.
It is recommended to have some interesting physical activity like yoga, body massage or swimming before or after dinner.
- Other Foods - Take brown sugar, fennel seeds and cumin seeds in equal quantity. Grind them well and take a tablespoon with warm milk or water twice a day. You can have it after breakfast and before going to bed.
Even in very high blood pressure this remedy has amazing effects. Drinking rosemary tea and hawthorn berry tea is also an excellent high blood pressure natural remedies for older individuals.
It is not only helpful for decreasing high blood pressure but also is an useful aid for strengthening your heart walls and muscles.
- Eat Small Portions - It is a wise practice to eat small meals several times in the day. This will provide you with energy and will normalized your blood sugar levels. But be sure not to develop a habit of overeating.
- What Else - Avoid sugar, smoking, alcohol and sodium consumption as much as you can. Opt for natural minerals and brown sugar for treating high blood pressure. Drink plenty of water, keep yourself calm and your living space comfortable and airy.
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