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Eat Blueberries And Cardiovascular Benefit Is Essentially A Longevity Mechanism

They say eating blueberries and cardiovascular benefit is assured. It is further stated that as you age you lose the ability to repair your cellular DNA. If all this is true, how do you then go about protecting this internal DNA repair process that makes you more resistant to degenerative disease.

blueberry and cardiovascular disease.

Studies show that blueberry polyphenols induce favorable structural changes in the blood vessel wall composition, resulting in your arteries becoming more elastic and less stiff. With this flexibility you reduce your blood pressure and lower your atherosclerosis risk.


Blueberry extracts have robust DNA repair properties.  This means repairing DNA damage and favorably modulating genes associated with aging. This is essentially a longevity mechanism.  Now you have just boosted your longevity with the increasing intake of blueberry polyphenols.

Cardiovascular health means repairing your DNA and slowing immounosenescence. I was fascinated just from reading about these findings from an article in a Life Extension Health Report that states blueberry compounds plays an active role in reducing the risk of a heart attack and stroke.

The cost of blueberry extract is quite low in comparison to the whole fruit. Eating blueberries could be part of your high blood pressure home remedies.

Caution On Eating More Blueberries The Fruit

Oatmeal with blueberries.

With these overflowing benefits why should there be caution in having blueberries? Of course, there is the saying that everything should be done in moderation.

Here's what blueberry extracts can do for the body. It lower blood sugar, reduce blood lipid disturbances, reduces the accumulation of fat molecules inside of growing fat cells while improving the inflammatory profile, boost fat and glucose burning.  So should you eat more of the whole fruit - blueberries?

For the actual blueberry fruit to achieve any effect you would have to consume about three-fourths of a pound of the berries daily which would be very expensive. Eating this amount daily would significantly increase your body weight and body fat including the dangerous visceral or belly fat.  

This would nullify the blueberries and cardiovascular benefit.


Here is the caveat…  consuming blueberry extract high in anthocyanin content resulted in lower body weight gain and body fat; and carries a low cost in comparison to the whole fruit.

Blueberries And Cardiovascular Benefit

Increased blood pressure comes from many different factors and that includes blood vessel stiffness.  As part of the equation, by maintaining cardiac health you reduce the risk of diabetes.

Bunch of blueberries.
A Research published in 2010 noted blueberries and their polyphenols relax blood vessels which in turn reduce blood pressure helping to slow atherosclerosis. This results in the reductions of both systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

They say this effect could be related to the blueberry polyphenol induced modulation of nitric oxide, the signaling molecule that blood vessels use to relay information about blood flow and pressure and to shift mineral ions such as potassium across cell membranes.


These researchers further stated that when a fairly high dose of 766 mg total blueberry polyphenol intake was taken, blood vessels smoothly dilated within an hour of the dose.

These are desirable results on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

When we consume those molecules, we get the benefits of those genetic stress resistance that live within these plants. This helps our bodies fight off major threats to our own health.

So if you are seeking a supplement to help your own body's natural defenses raise your disease resistance and prolong your lifespan then consider Whole Fruit Blueberry Concentrate made from Organic Blueberries | Packed with Antioxidants and Phytonutrients | Non-GMO, 60 Liquid Softgels.

The blueberries, that are grown in harsh, sandy soils, in dry conditions and at high altitudes contain the highest known concentrations of many such bioactive molecules.

It is also a known fact that in some high blood pressure medications ingredients you'll find blueberry extracts.  The good thing about adding a supplement to your diet of blueberries and cardiovascular benefit is that there are no harmful side effects.

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