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Why Use A Blood Pressure Reading Chart

If you want to know why a blood pressure reading chart is useful, you first need to understand what blood pressure is and how it affects your health and the quality of your life.  With a chart you can see improvements and benefits in a tangible way.

It can also act as a powerful motivator to continue with your diet and whatever lifestyle changes you have made.

Blood Pressure Reading Chart

Category Systolic
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure
NormalLess than 120andLess than 80
Prehypertension120 - 139or80 - 89
Stage 1 Hypertension140 - 159or90 - 99
Stage 2 HypertensionOver 160orOver 100

What Is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure refers to the strength by which your blood presses against the arteries and consists of two main components:
  1. Systolic blood pressure, the top number, the heart pressure generated by pumping blood from the heart to the other organs within your body.

  2. Diastolic blood pressure, the bottom number, the pressure in the arteries in the moment when the heart is filled with the blood coming from the rest of the body.

Blood Pressure Readings

Usually, the systolic pressure increases with age and the diastolic pressure begins to decrease slowly because the blood vessels lose their elasticity and become rigid.

Your blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and measuring it on a daily basis and keeping a blood pressure chart is the simplest method for preventing cardiac affections, as it allows you to monitor whenever abnormal activities occur. 

By simply learning what tools to use and what is to know to be able to read your blood pressure you have all the chances to increase your quality of life.  Therefore, it is essential for you to understand these values described on the chart. 

Your blood pressure is considered normal when the systolic value is less than 129 mm Hg and the diastolic values is less than 84 mm Hg. 

Systolic blood pressure values between 130-139 mm Hg, and, Diastolic values between 85-89 mm Hg are considered to be prehypertensive, representing the transit level to the hypertensive ones.

Category Systolic
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure
NormalLess than 120andLess than 80
Prehypertension120 - 139or80 - 89
Stage 1 Hypertension140 - 159or90 - 99
Stage 2 HypertensionOver 160orOver 100

The blood pressure reading chart above includes the parameters for blood pressure levels, without taking into consideration the possibility of other diseases such as diabetes, kidney diseases or other such conditions.

The first two categories recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle, the other two recommend consulting with a doctor.

However, in case other disorders are also present, more care can be required, depending on your doctor's recommendations. Also, the values presented in the chart above are sometimes lower for children and teenagers, so consulting a doctor on a regular basis is important.

Hypertension can effect many organs, including your brain, your eyes, your heart and your kidneys, as well as the arteries, and is a risk factor for the occurrence of many disorders.

Therefore, being familiar with the values presented by blood pressure reading chart is essential for properly having the control on your body's health levels.

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