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Wellness Routine To Adopt!

I had to develop a wellness routine if I wanted relief from the side effects of my blood pressure medications. When I adopt this routine into my daily life I moved from an over-medicated, depressed individual to a life of vibrant health, not spending all my money on medications and enjoying life in general.

Non-negotiable Wellness Routine.

Lets get started on changing the way we look at aging in the twenty-first century, because life doesn’t have to look like back in your grandmother’s day. In this century there are people in Okinawa who tend vegetable gardens and hoe fields well into their nineties.

Today I want you to make a plan that make sure your wellness routine goals are realized. For you to know what your destination is, and to know what path will get you there, so that you can live long and live vigorously.

I find it helpful to have some non-negotiables built into my wellness goals when mapping out my wellness plans. These non-negotiables wellness routine are the most important goals to focus on first...I like to think of them as anchorsOther goals spring from these, but these are strong foundations to build upon.  

So what does a no-fail blueprint for living an active life with better choices look like? Here are some of my pointers to get you off to a solid start and keep your wellness routine on track. 

Wellness Routine To Implement!

Find a system for prep. It doesn’t have to be a full-on weekly meal prep where you spend hours on Sunday afternoon shopping, cooking, and divvying up portions. But knowing what you enjoy eating that hits your food goals while also keeping and traveling well can go a long way in sticking with a healthy eating plan. 

Weekly review - Non-negotiable Wellness Routine.

Focus on getting a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables mixed with lean protein, healthy fat, and a few complex carbs. Create a running list of recipes you can rotate to have a good home base of ideas without getting stuck in a recipe rut.

Get your gut in shape: Engage daily in some diaphragmatic breathing, by taking deep breaths that expand your abdomen. Anxiety or stress amplify problems in your GI tract. Breathing deeply helps you to live longer, activates the autonomic nervous system and your GI tract less sensitive to various stimuli.

Staying Flexible And Improve Your Posture

Start by moving every day. You’d be surprised what thirty minutes of movement can do for physical and mental health. I know that it can be a hard habit to get into (especially during those cold, grey days), but once you do, it’s hard to go back. 

Keeping it fresh by changing things up helps, too:

  • try a new walking path or route for your run,
  • sign up for a new class at the gym you attend,
  • and stretching or meditating at home on a low-energy day can make a big difference in mood.

Do an hourly posture check: Sit or stand up tall with your feet flat on the floor, look straight ahead, bring your shoulders back and down, and slightly tuck in your chin. Hold this position for a count of five. Repeat this several times throughout the day. In time you’ll get used to maintaining a healthier upright posture.

Get In A Sleep Routine

If there is one thing that can throw everything else out of whack, it is a non-existent sleep routine. Sleep is truly the foundation of everything else, so giving proper attention to creating positive habits is necessary. Map out your ideal nighttime routine and begin implementing those things. 

If this seems too tall an order, start with eight hours of rest. Then slowly work up to adding items like a hot bath, a cup of herbal tea, journaling or reading, etc.

Be Careful With Too Many Restrictions

Giving ourselves too many restrictions right off the bat can often lead to burnout, leading to an increased chance of quitting those habits that we were beginning to form.

Instead, give yourself more grace and acceptance, knowing that the end goal is to do things that support both the body and mind, not one at the cost of the other.

This means we do not beat ourselves up to stay on a healthy eating plan. Both are equally important.

And above all else, remember that life is fluid. Priorities may change, and it’s our goal to roll with the punches while still putting our health first.

Wellness Audit!

Wellness Audit.

Do you ever feel like you have no idea where to start when it comes to reaching your health goals? It can feel like there's so much to do that anything short of a complete overhaul doesn't feel worth it. 

And we know complete overhauls don't work, or else New Year Resolutions would have great success rates!

Friend, I'm here to tell you there's a better way, an easier way, and a way that sticks.

Join me for a complimentary Wellness Audit session where we take a look at where you are in all aspects of your life, so we can see what the most effective and practical first steps will be for you to make some movement toward your goals.

Schedule a time to have a wellness audit, I have spots available. Who wants one?

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