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Too High HBP Despite Taking Medications?

Too high HBP despite taking drugs is a prevalent fact for lots of people. But do you know that if health behaviors are modified in a gradual and sustainable way, with changes in diet or exercise, your medications will work more effectively and you'll benefit beyond reducing your high blood pressure?

Fun activity. Physical Activity

I know this to be true and it is for the control of high blood pressure – too high HBP, lifestyle changes are the most effective and safest drug you can ever take. Approach your own health with a fresh attitude. Being healthy is a way of life, so embrace and enjoy it.


How do I know for sure that a sustainable change in health behavior can be beneficial? Because I discovered how health and wellness is an inside job and that its all about me taking charge and putting me, my health, first.

After the death of my Mother, I don’t know exactly what happened but my weight increased along with other health behaviors. I realized that in changing my behavior it would be a personal process and came to these realizations:


  • I recognized that changes were complicated and will take time.


  • I had to have a plan in place, a goal, in maintaining the changes over time, in essence for the long term.


  • Track my progress towards my goals, especially those that were under my control.


  • Get started with changes in just one area at a time.


What To Focus On

Next I had to be laser focus on my eating, my sleep, physical activity, weight loss and my stress levels.

Eating Habits

Delicious Healthy Meal.

I use the words eating habits because to me the word diet represents restrictions.  And, a different way of eating and cooking, to me is in essence to reverse my too high hbp, lose some weight and lower the numbers of my blood sugar.


Your new eating habits should never be restrictive just innovative and flavorful.


Now you have medical doctors, dietitians and scientific studies all offering these advices:


  • Eat more of the fibrous vegetables you really like.


  • Be present when eating, no looking at a device, eating slowly and taste the flavors of what you are eating.


  • Your primary foods should come from plants, while limiting animal based foods


  • And take a look of how much alcohol you are drinking daily. If it’s a lot start the process of cutting back.

How Is Your Sleep

Overall increase your sleeping hours. It’s a myth that you can make up for sleep deprivation by sleeping in on the weekends. I was guilty of this.


I remember going on vacation and at least the first two days I was just sleeping because I relaxed and the exhaustion took over.


In essence sleep deprivation can have unfavorable health effects … I am sure this contributed to my too high hbp. 


So the best advice in your preparation for sleep is to adopt a regular schedule, reduce distractions, take deep breaths and calm your mind.

Physical Activity

Having fun.

I know we all struggle in this area, but do something fun that involves movement and know that multiple short times of physical activity are beneficial.

When I am walking I people watch. Trust me you’ll see a lot of funny things people do. One of my best people watching is a couple walking their dog and the woman ended up carrying the dog in her arms and the dog was not a small dog. The man was going crazy about it.


This is major in the reversal of too high hbp numbers.

Weight Loss

Weight loss should be a long term goal that include preventing further weight gain.


This does not mean you should weigh the same as when you were a teenager or be a size ‘0’. In reality modest weight loss can significantly reverse weight related metabolic problems and that includes high blood pressure.


Don’t beat up yourself if you have a setback, it happens to everyone, just get back on track. 


Remember think of this as the marathon of your life that may have you enjoying a healthy longevity that includes taking less medications as you age. The cost saved in this alone is something to keep you focus.

Stress - If Too High HBP

Stress is a natural reaction, but we are not powerless and can develop skills in coping with the pressures of life. It is possible to react with resilience.


Some practices I have found to be helpful are:


  • Practicing deep breathing and make a conscious effort, take the necessary action in relaxing all the muscles of my body. I start by lifting my chest and lowering my shoulders, breathing deeply.


  • Back to some form of physical activity, even just stretching the body.


  • And develop a plan in taking mental breaks.

The bottom-line here is if you think you need help in this area, reach out to a trusted resource that can help you develop a plan to take in these important steps to improve your health.

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