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Finding The Natural Cure High Blood Pressure

A natural cure high blood pressure may be out there, though doctors and scientists only see marked improvement in individuals suffering from high blood pressure, not a full cure.

The best way to reduce the risks associated with high blood pressure and to control high blood pressure is to make significant changes to your lifestyle.

Eat a healthier diet and get more exercise. Stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake. Besides this, a few natural products have shown some improvement.

Either Natural Cure High Blood Pressure Or Medication

Many individuals do not want to use medications to treat their high blood pressure because of the potential side effects.  And even with medication, there is no guarantee that you will not suffer from a heart attack or develop kidney failure.

If you are currently taking prescription medications for high blood pressure, do not stop without your doctor's approval.  Here are some well-documented proof that these supplements and herbs are natural cures for high blood pressure.

  • the Vitamin Shoppe CoQ 10:Supplement your diet with this powerful, natural product. A reduction in systolic blood pressure has occurred in some case studies. Researchers used 60mg two times per day in patients.

  • Solaray ORGANIC GARLIC: Garlic has shown to be significantly helpful in reducing systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Garlic is able to thin the blood, and without doctor supervision, this can be dangerous.

  • Hawthorn The herb hawthorn has been in use in traditional herbal medicines as a treatment for high blood pressure. A reduction in diastolic blood pressure was evident in the studies completed.

Other natural supplements and herbs noted for their ability to improve blood pressure levels include:

  • Fish Oil

  • Folic Acid

  • Calcium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

It is important to note that scientists do not recommend holistic treatments as the only sort of treatment for high blood pressure, in those with moderate to severe levels.

Getting The Right High Blood Pressure Treatment

Not all high blood pressure cures work the same for every person.

Therefore, those interested in using herbal or other natural supplements to reduce blood pressure, it is best to work with a specialized doctor or herbalist. These professionals will recommend specific products and offer suggested dosage to consume.

Treating High Blood Pressure In Total

A natural cure high blood pressure is a good step in the right direction.  Doctors warn, though, that it may not be enough.  It is important for you to combine both natural remedies with lifestyle changes, and sometimes medications, to control blood pressure safely.

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