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Mental Health Journey With Dr Ashley Harvey | Mindfulness Practices That Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery And Wellbeing!

High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, Episode #48

With May being mental health awareness month, I decided to start the month off with my podcast on Mental Health Journey with Dr Ashley Harvey, where she outlined her mindfulness practices that leads to self-care, self-discovery and wellbeing!

Anxiety is a normal and common human emotion. At the same time this disorder is the most common form of mental illness because sometimes anxiety can be so overwhelming. Fortunately for us, there are so many humane treatment options available than ever before with proven ways in coping this treatable human feeling.

Mentioned In This Episode:

Dr Ashley Harvey. Ashley Harvey

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Summary of Mental Health Journey with Dr Ashley Harvey | Mindfulness Practices that Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Wellbeing Podcast Transcript!

Hello, you’re listening to High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast with Donna Williams.  Hi, I’m Donna Williams owner and creator of website, where I teach and guide my community, especially women of color, on how to help treat, reverse, prevent and lower their high blood pressure numbers while eating well to live well.

hbp podcast picture.

Today I have a very special guest, Dr. Ashley Harvey.

Dr. Ashley Harvey is a doctorate-prepared nurse practitioner who obtained her Doctorate of Nursing with an emphasis in Educational Leadership in September 2023. She has been a Family Nurse Practitioner since 2017, treating patients with complex conditions.

She currently works for Comprehensive Rehab Consultants as a Physiatry Nurse Practitioner in 2 nursing homes as a consultant in Memphis and Millington Tennessee. She has been a Registered Nurse since 2010.

In her spare time, she serves as a Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Incorporated member since March 2021, serves on a nonprofit that mentor’s young girls virtually, Keeta’s Place Inc. since 2022, and runs her podcast DOCTAH. She is a proud wife and mother of 3, and fur mom of 3.

Our topic for today is Mental Health Journey with Mindfulness Practices that Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Wellbeing! Dr. Harvey relates very well to this topic since she experiences mental anxiety and is sharing how she has and is coping, while rediscovering her strength, taking back her power in making life and work decisions and so much more.

man with beads meditating.

Since May is mental health awareness month, it is with true delight that I introduce Dr. Ashley Harvey. Dr H has provided us with a link to a very help resource for you to access now to get started on your Mental Health Journey with Mindfulness Practices that Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Wellbeing!

As you can see, despite being a mom, wife, nurse practitioner, and more, Dr. Ashley Harvey makes time for her mental health. Tune in as she openly discusses some of what she deals with daily along with vital tips to assist you on your mental health journey.

Do you struggle with anxiety, depression or taking time for yourself? This could be the episode that helps you learn how to manage and accomplish goals professionally and personally. 

Some of the questions I asked Dr. H are:

  1. Tell us about your journey:

  2. The Pillars of Health: nutrition, exercise, sleep, mental health, and social health. She elaborates on how each of these pillars contributes to overall well-being with practical tips for you?

  3. Balancing wellness with a busy life: Many people struggle to prioritize wellness in their busy lives. How do you suggest incorporating wellness practices into daily routines, especially for individuals with hectic schedules?

  4. Key insights from your experiences: I asked her to share some key insights or lessons she has learned from her own wellness journey or from working with others on their paths to health and well-being?

  5. The future of wellness: In today's rapidly changing world, what trends or developments do you foresee in the wellness industry, and how can individuals stay informed and adapt to these changes?

In summary, no matter how severe your anxiety overthinking might be, there are the different category you can access mental health help right now. They will be able to help you on your journey toward a more fulfilling, happier life today.

It can be extremely hard to figure out what's going on in our own heads when we are suffering-when we feel alone and unworthy and can't stop our self-critical inner voice. And it's even more difficult to know where to go for answers.

So, instead of trying to feel less than, avoid pain and stress, we need to build emotional fitness, especially our capacity for strength, balance and focus. The practice of mindfulness with help you in focusing your intention, attention, and attitude towards improvement in your life, or the life of a loved one or family member.

After listening to today’s episode on Mental Health Journey with Dr Ashley Harvey on her mindfulness Practices that Leads to Self-Care, Self-Discovery and Wellbeing, shows that you can recover and thrive from many mental disorders, from mild to very serious, at all ages and stages of life.

Make yourself the priority by starting your self-reflection journey now!!

Thanks for listening to High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast with Donna Williams. Please subscribe, write a review and share with your friends and family. See you next week.


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