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High Blood Pressure Chart Provides Key Information

Doctors discusses and often shows you a high blood pressure chart if you are suffering from high blood pressure. Sometimes, this is the best way to demonstrate how much risk is associated with this diagnosis. 

High blood pressure is a term describing the amount of pressure found within the arteries while the heart is pumping and resting. A large amount of pressure can damage artery walls and lead to serious complications including stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and congestive heart failure.

A chart indicates two major aspects.

The first is the amount of risk you will be facing. Depending on what your diastolic and systolic numbers are, this indicates the amount of risk that you will experience.

It places you in one of three levels of hypertension: pre-hypertension, stage 1 hypertension or stage 2 hypertension. The higher the level, the more likely you will develop complications.

The second aspect the chart provides are the treatment options. If you are pre-hypertension, this may indicate a change in lifestyle will be helpful. This may include losing weight, stop smoking and getting more exercise.

If you are in stage 1 hypertension you may need to make significant lifestyle changes and if these numbers do not improve naturally, medications may be necessary.

In stage 2 hypertension, medications and lifestyle changes are often necessary and even drastically needed to maintain health.

Risks Associated With High Blood Pressure Chart Readings

Depending on where you fall on the blood pressure chart, you could be facing significant risks to your overall health. The most common risk factors for those on the higher end of the chart range include:

  • The development of heart disease

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Diabetes

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Stroke

Other complications may exist, especially if you have underlying health conditions already.

What If Your Blood Pressure Is Normal?

Perhaps you do not have high blood pressure yet. If your blood pressure is within the normal range, it is possible to delay the onset of high blood pressure or any complications associated with it, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Your chart may indicate the need to lose weight, reduce sodium intake, exercise more and to stop smoking if you are nearly the higher level of the normal blood pressure range.

Consider this an opportunity to prevent illness and to remain healthy, longer.

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