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The Hidden Cost Of Stress | How It Wrecks Digestion And Spikes Blood Pressure!

High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, Episode #60

Hello, everyone! When we think about stress, we rarely consider its full impact. I'm talking about the hidden cost of stress, the way it silently crushes your digestive system and inflates your blood pressure, putting your health at serious risk. Today, we're peeling back the layers to reveal how stress affects us on a deeper level than we ever imagined. Together, we'll explore practical ways to combat these effects and reclaim control over our health. Let's dive in and find serenity amidst the chaos.

Mentioned In This Episode!

Making Your Life Easier!

Pumpkin Chilli Beans Soup. Chili Beans Soup

Make life easier by making smarter choices today. Actively choosing to eat healthier doesn't just benefit your immediate wellbeing; it can significantly impact your long-term health, especially when you follow the healing meals from my 'Overcome High Blood Pressure' online course.

These meals are designed to help maintain and reduce blood pressure, with the possibility of achieving normal levels and even getting off medication. By focusing on nutritious food, avoiding overspending, and taking time for therapy, you set your future self up for success and resilience.

Avoiding illness, debt, and emotional baggage helps you better handle everyday challenges with ease and grace. This will definitely affect those hidden cost of stress in a major way.

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The Hidden Cost Of Stress And How It Wrecks Digestion and Spikes Blood Pressure Podcast Transcription

Welcome to the High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast! I'm Donna Williams, your dedicated host and Certified Holistic Health Coach. Your journey to a healthier, more vibrant life starts here, and I couldn't be more excited to guide you every step of the way.

hbp podcast picture.

At and through this podcast, I passionately serve an incredible community, with a special focus on empowering women of color. We’re cutting through the confusion around chronic disease management, starting with high blood pressure, to bring you clarity and actionable insights.

Every episode is packed with tailor-made strategies from my personalized coaching and transformative online courses. We’re not just talking about what you should eat; we’re rethinking your entire approach to food and lifestyle. Imagine mastering mindful eating and managing your blood sugar with newfound confidence and ease!

We’re on this transformative journey together, shifting from reactive health measures to proactive empowerment. Wellness isn’t just about tweaking your diet or changing a routine; it’s about embedding health into every facet of your life and feeling the full transformation.

So, strap in and let’s turn the tide on high blood pressure. Make wellness more than a fleeting thought—let it become a vibrant, undeniable part of your everyday life. Join me, Donna Williams, as we unlock the secrets to sustainable health, one powerful step at a time. Let’s get started on this incredible journey together!"

Today’s episode topic is The Hidden Cost of Stress: How It Wrecks Digestion and Spikes Blood Pressure!

Stress is a thief, robbing you of both peace and health. The hidden cost? Digestive distress and a burdened heart. Let's dive into the solutions for a healthier you.

Everyone experiences stress from time to time, but some people are more vulnerable to stress than others. Some of the most common sources of stress include work, relationships, finances, and life events. It's essential to identify the source of your stress so that you can take steps to reduce or eliminate it. 

Several simple lifestyle changes can help reduce stress levels, such as exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet. In addition, relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga can also be effective in managing stress. If you need extra support, a licensed therapist can help teach you coping skills that will help you go the extra mile.

Remember, managing stress is essential for maintaining your mental and physical health, and it's worth investing your time in finding what works for you.

Stress and Digestion

When it comes to stress, the mind and body are inextricably linked. When we're stressed, our whole system goes into fight-or-flight mode, diverting blood and energy away from non-essential functions like digestion. Stress isn’t just a mental burden. It disrupts digestion, causing nausea and pain. 

stress and digestion strawberry.

That's why stress can lead to digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. While it is not always possible to avoid stress altogether, it is important to manage it in a healthy way. Worse, it spikes blood pressure, endangering your heart.

Some people find relief through exercise, meditation or other relaxation techniques. Others may need to seek professional help to get their stress under control. For most people, the effects of stress on digestion are relatively short-lived and do not cause long-term damage.

However, chronic stress can have a more persistent effect on the digestive system, so it is important to find ways to manage stress to maintain a healthy gut. Let’s tackle this head-on together.

6 Ways To Manage The Hidden Cost Of Stress Daily

We can do all of the meditation and relaxation techniques possible, but we will always experience stressful events each day. We may not be able to control our surroundings, but we can control how we respond when things don't go our way.

Excessive stress can contribute to conflict at work and home and even lead to an increased risk of health issues. So it's important that we manage how we react to stress -- if we can find healthy ways to work through it, our relationships and our health will inevitably benefit. 

So here are some actional steps you can take in managing the hidden cost of stress on your health and life.

  1. Get into community: Spending time with those in our support system is and will be a welcome distraction from the stressors of everyday life. These friends and family may also give a new perspective on stressful events we are experiencing.<

  2. Find a hobby you enjoy: This is one of the best things you can do because it moves your mind away from the problem. Anything that brings a smile to your whole being is great. So, finding a relaxing or energizing activity can be a great way to channel and alleviate stress.

  3. Become a volunteer: Thinking about becoming a volunteer? It's an amazing way to give back but remember to protect your own energy. I know from experience that always being upbeat, smiling, and deeply listening to others' serious issues can sometimes be draining. So, it's super important to choose your volunteer work carefully.

    Find a cause or organization that truly resonates with you and dedicate some time to making a real difference. Helping others not only benefits them, but it also takes the focus off our own worries. It’s a beautiful way to connect and uplift your community. Just make sure it’s a good fit for you too.

  4. bed time.
  5. Be mindful of bedtime: Prioritize a mindful bedtime routine. Ditch the screens to set the stage for the ultimate night of rest. Spritz your sheets with calming lavender, enjoy a soothing warm bath, sip on some relaxing hot tea, and lose yourself in a good book. These simple steps can significantly improve the quality of your sleep, helping you achieve those vital eight hours.

    Good sleep enhances your mood, boosts cognitive function, strengthens your immune system, and even improves heart health. Embrace this routine and look forward to waking up refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the day!

  6. Get Moving more: Get moving! Instead of staying glued to your desk all day, seize the opportunity to walk around the block or opt for the stairs. Regular movement not only helps you expel stress, but it also boosts your energy levels, improves your mood, and enhances your creativity. Imagine feeling more vibrant and focused, simply by incorporating a bit more activity into your day. Plus, those extra steps can contribute to better cardiovascular health and a stronger, more toned body. Let’s make movement something to look forward to—it’s a refreshing break and a powerful step toward a healthier, happier you!

  7. Learn to say no: Learn to say no. Taking on tasks we don't want to do is a significant stressor. By clearly verbalizing your current priorities, you can more easily recognize what aligns with your goals and what doesn’t. This helps prevent overcommitment, reducing feelings of resentment towards others and yourself.

    Remember, saying no is a powerful form of self-care, it protects your energy and time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters to you. I want to strengthen your ability to saying no by understanding that it's not about letting others down, but about preserving your well-being and maintaining balance in your life.
    When you prioritize yourself and your mental health, watch how much more fulfilling and manageable your life becomes.

All of these little things that happen each day can knock us down, but they don't have to. Staying positive may not always seem easy, but we can make it easier on ourselves by taking care of our mental, physical and emotional health.

So, how do we make daily stress-free days?

Practical Habits For A Stress-Free Day

The way you begin your day sets the tone for your entire day -- wouldn't you agree? When you have a slow start to your morning, without the need to rush and hurry, you're in a completely different headspace than if you wake up late and have to be in the car in ten minutes.

Taking some time to care for your mental, physical and emotional health in the mornings can help to improve your stress levels throughout the day dramatically.  

Today I'm sharing some of my favorite hacks for helping the day run smoothly. Incorporating these habits will help empower you to start and sail through your day as stress-free as possible. 

  • Give yourself some time.

    I wake up between 4 and 5 AM, giving myself some peaceful stillness in the morning. This is my sacred time for daily devotion, writing affirmations, setting my mantra, and getting crystal clear on my personal and professional goals. Trust me, there’s magic in not rushing and taking that little less than an hour to truly connect with myself before my day kicks off at 6 AM.

    I encourage you to give it a try, even if it's just for five minutes. You'll be amazed at the changes in your life and health. So set that alarm, if you need to. My body naturally wakes up on its own, like I have an inner timer or something, about 15-30 minutes earlier than usual. Enjoy the slow, calm start. It's remarkable how different your day can feel when you shift from frantically jumping out of bed to a stress-free, cortisol-friendly morning.

    So, flip the script by starting your day with just five minutes of morning pages before you even hop out of bed. You could do some gentle stretching, read a chapter of a book, or simply spend a few minutes gathering your thoughts. It's a game-changer. Give it a shot and see how a peaceful morning sets the tone for a more centered, productive, and joyful day.

  • drink more water.
  • Give your body a once over.

    Beginning your day with a glass of water helps to kickstart your system. It's important to hydrate throughout the day, but our morning eight ounces will get the process going. Many people choose to leave a glass of water on their bedside table to remind themselves to drink upon waking.

    Doing a skincare routine, dry brushing your skin, tongue scraping, or even gently moving our bodies can also generate some energy and flip the switch between our sleeping and waking modes.

  • Give yourself a plan.

    While having a nutritious breakfast (which can still be easy), think about the essential tasks that need to be accomplished. Plan your work for the day, but don't forget to schedule in other important areas of your life, as well. Plan your movement, meals, any appointments or errands, and go one step further to plan to connect with someone.

    Relationships are an important part of our physical, emotional, and mental health, and without intentionally making room for this, we can easily push that to the back burner.

    Time blocking can be a helpful method for making sure that those non-negotiables are really non-negotiable.

You'll find your rhythm with what works best for you and your unique desires. Give yourself permission to start small without having all of the answers. Making some movement toward your goal of a stress-free day will show you the path that's perfect for you and your life.

Thank you so much for tuning in to today’s episode on 'The Hidden Cost of Stress and How It Wrecks Digestion and Spikes Blood Pressure!' I'm truly grateful for your support and for being a part of the High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast community.

If you enjoyed today's discussion, don't forget to come back next week for more in-depth conversations and expert advice on maintaining normal blood pressure. Share our podcast with your family and friends, and don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a comment.

Your feedback means the world to us and helps us continue to bring you valuable health insights. Until next time, take care and stay well!

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