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Free Blood Pressure Chart:
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You can find a free blood pressure chart online, which can be incredibly useful in tracking your overall health and well-being.  Blood pressure is a set of numbers that tell doctors how much pressure is in your arteries while the heart is beating and while it is resting. 

Pressure is necessary, because it pushes the blood throughout your body.  Yet, if there is, a complication that keeps the artery from dilating enough, this could lead to significant complications.

Doctors have adjusted the blood pressure chart to provide an even closer examination of where things stand. The old, and still most commonly used chart, provides for three levels of hypertension (high blood pressure.)  The first is pre-hypertension, followed by stage 1 hypertension and stage-2 hypertension. Now, there is more distinction in the range.

The new stages range from a mild stage 1 to a very severe stage 4 level. Any level of high blood pressure needs monitoring and action taken, to help break down and protect your long-term health.

Blood Pressure Definition

Classifications Of Systolic Blood Pressure

The range for high systolic blood pressure is as follows. This is the number listed first in the reading. It represents the amount of pressure in the arteries during heartbeats:

  • Mild stage, stage 1: 140 to 159

  • Moderate stage, stage 2: 160 to 179

  • Severe stage, stage 3: 180 to 209

  • Very severe stage, stage 4: 210 and over

At 180 and above, you are at a high risk for the development of cardio vascular disease and may exhibit signs of stress, bloating and a red coloring.

Classifications Of Diastolic Blood Pressure

Diastolic blood pressure ranges provide information on the amount of pressure in the arteries during periods of rest, when the heart is not beating.  This is the second number in a blood pressure reading:

  • Mild stage, stage 1: 90 to 99

  • Moderate stage, stage 2: 100 to 109

  • Severe stage, stage 3: 110 to 119

  • Very severe stage, stage 4: 120 and higher

Free Blood Pressure Chart Possibility

The good news is that you can track your own blood pressure using this chart.  Here you can download a printable blood pressure chart to keep track of the changes in your blood pressure.

Do note that your blood pressure may be higher and lower, naturally, throughout the day.  These changes are normal, though a consistently high blood pressure reading is not.

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