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The Energy Of Change | Do You Think You Have It?

Experiencing the energy of change has calmed me down and I am no longer known as  ‘tigress’. Confrontation was not a problem for me, it still is not and works for me, but I do not approach it in an aggressive manner. Now its more as a conversation for clarity, I try not to jump to my own assumption or interpretation.

You are eager to improve and change your health issues, and you know all the ways it will benefit you. You'll be healthier, happier, lose 10 pounds, your blood pressure will come within normal levels, you'll be proud of yourself, it will raise your self-esteem. So, you plan, saying this time I'm going to do it.

Then nothing, no follow-through.

In learning how to calm myself and manage by energy, I read this book ‘How We Change’ by Ross Ellenhorn, PhD that state how difficult it is to change our ways, to move out of our comfort levels, even when we want to.

Deepak Chopra, MD described it in these ways:

  • Healthy energy is flowing, flexible, dynamic, balanced, soft, and associated with positive feelings.
  • Unhealthy energy is stuck, frozen, rigid, brittle, hard, out of balance, associated with negative emotions.

What he was talking about is bringing healing to your life, your body by just shifting the unhealthy energy within you to a more healthy one.

I know coming out of your comfort zone is not easy, because there's a force within us that loves where we are, despite our longings to do so. What's worse the force within us is quite happy to stay as is and that force usually wins, that's why change is difficult. 

Research tells us that the only time there's deep and lasting change is only when something major happens, then you contemplate dispassionately the pros and cons of the situation.

When There's A Crisis!

I was happy in taking my medication even though I was going through difficult side effects until I realized how easily I could have died.

My crisis was one night I had an allergic reaction to my medication but didn't realize it while it was happening. Over a period of a week, I was battling constant thirst even though I was drinking gallons of water throughout the day and my tongue kept getting bigger with teeth marks around the edges. 

Until I woke up unable to breathe. I started shaking my head side to side to dislodge, to try and move my tongue to the side to get some air into my lungs.

Thank God I didn't panic because of my naivety of what was happening to me. I just thought I had to go to the doctor to find out what was wrong. That visit made me realized I nearly died.


Before that I was on and off again with my eating habits, exercises, and other lifestyle changes, but I was not taking it seriously.

But once I had a crisis situation, I was now forced to look at the pros and cons of what nearly happened to me.

I tapped into my power to self heal and it gave me the strength to change everything – my attitude, my life, go to Institute for Integrated Nutrition to learn how to nourish my body, and graduate as an Integrative Health Coach, started this website and more.


I found the strength to combat the forces of resistance. I discovered the necessary changes were not bad, hard or impossible at all.

The Energy To Change

Most people fear change. And in trying to improve your health issues you might make bad decisions and these decisions bring pain and suffering, but we learn to put up with it.

I know you want to improve your health issues, and its not from lack of trying. In fact, in your effort of trying hard, to planning your next strategy, it all often consumes you.


So why with all your planning you haven't taken any action?


The answer is its more attractive, filled with even sensible reasons to stay within your comfort zone, accepting your PAIN, disappointment, and even anger.

Because as you move toward changing the lifestyle you have, making the difficult choice, you have awakened feelings and experiences most of us try to avoid.

It feels secure, and stable in its predictability of what to expect. There are deeper reasons lying below your awareness for staying the same.

Online Coaching

Have you thought about doing a one-on-one coaching in helping you in connecting your body, mind and soul that result in wholeness?

Contact me your Holistic Health Coach to help you keep your vision alive that will sustain you, keeping you on your spiritual path. 

There is not a simple answer to personal change, but the principle of change holds the key, where going with the flow of life brings you growth and creativity.

I'm asking you to consider the reason for your resistance. Remember, whenever we decide to alter our lifestyle, our resistance will always make itself felt. Always, we can't escape it.

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