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Putting Disease Prevention On Your Plate While Dousing The Flame Of Inflammation!

Putting disease prevention on your plate is easier than you think. Doctors say eat five serving of produce and that is plenty of fruits, vegetables, along with whole grains, and good fats, a day.

Garden Produce.

Disease Prevention sources recommends five servings of produce a day but from my certification program in the prevention of disease nine servings a day is the ideal goal.

You can have one serving by just starting your morning with fruit juice and I have put together detailed menus of what a serving actually looks like in my prevention plan menus.

You’ll be getting large doses of vitamins, minerals, at least 25 grams of fiber daily and other plant nutrients that fight against specific diseases.

It’s a win, win plan.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act but a habit”.

-       Aristole

But here’s the reason for a prevention plan, it is to help in the treatment and management of a silent killer condition named ‘high blood pressure’.

Do you know chronic inflammation, specifically when C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker is present, plays a major role in the development of heart disease?

And one of the silent enemy condition caused by an inflammatory state is high blood pressure and we’re here to talk about that today.

Putting Disease Prevention On Your Plate

If you could reduce your chances for a heart attack by 23 percent, slash your risk of heart failure and dementia by half wouldn’t you drop everything and start right now?


I’m here to tell you how you’ll reap these huge health benefits and more by making small changes that keep your blood pressure at a healthy level, drop those extra pounds, and slash the sodium by putting prevention on your plate.


I’ve put together this unique collection of easy, tasty dishes specifically to help you meet the goals central to disease prevention and that includes high blood pressure.

The three goals central to disease prevention are:

  1. Eating more fruits and vegetables.

  2. Eating more whole grains.

  3. Get more of your calories from good fats.

I have transformed the above requirements or ingredients into delicious recipes that put taste first and health a close second. For me eating great food is one of life’s great pleasures.


But let me give you an idea of how much easier it is than you think to put disease prevention on your plate.

Fruits And Vegetables Plan

Fruits Vegetables
1 medium piece of fruit1 cup raw leafy vegetables
1/2 cup chopped, cooked, or canned fruit1/2 cup other vegetables, cooked, chopped, or canned
1/4 cup dried fruit3/4 cup vegetable juice
3/4 cup 100% fruit juice1/2 cup dried beans

It is more important to limit simple carbs than to focus on low-fat diet! And one more thing eat less.

With the recipes from my disease prevention on your plate plan and smart ratios of protein, good fats and whole grains you’ll feel fuller longer so you will not be tempted to eat again as soon.

This is a great strategy for starving off weight gain.

Your Carbohydrate Goal

Refined carbohydrates, like white rice, white flour, white bread; helps to promote both weight gain and insulin resistance.


This disease prevention plan instead has you eating slow digesting whole grains. It is one key to preventing many of the chronic diseases that plague us today from obesity to heart disease.

Prevention On Your Plate Strategy In Managing High Blood Pressure

Here’s my solid advice and it is also something for you to think about: “Stop for a moment, contemplate and choose how you want to live your life”.


I can tell you for sure that when you achieve all three goals central to disease prevention, you’ll enjoy amazing health benefits. To start:

  • you’ll keep your blood sugar levels stable
  • improve your cholesterol ratio
  • lower your blood pressure
  • possibly decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.

Today is decision time reserve your seat and start choosing the meals of prevention.

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