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Dealing With High Blood Pressure After Pregnancy

by Mary L Leon
(Council Bluffs)

I was as healthy as a horse before I had my daughter on Feb 1. 2016, since then I have been struggling with high blood pressure.

It's taken over my life. I'm scared all the time.

Response From InfoOnHBP

Hi Mary,

First you must immediately make an appointment and go see your Cardiologist it is very important. High blood pressure must be brought under control to prevent any damage to your heart, kidney and brain.

There are many successful treatment plans out there to work with your doctor on which one is best for you.

Some treatment plans to think about should be maintaining adequate potassium, calcium and magnesium in your diet, reducing your salt and sugar intake, limit alcohol drinking, stop smoking or chewing tobacco, increase your physical activity and reduce your saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet.

Meditation For High Blood Pressure

I practice meditation as part of my high blood pressure treatment plan. So please read this page and practice the technique that best suit you, because there are hundreds of different ways to meditate. I find just sitting quietly and becoming aware of my breath is a meditation.

Until you can get to your doctor start meditating today. Meditation is safe and a simple way to balance your emotions. It is easily learned and has been used for years to aid in the treatment of stress and high blood pressure.

I highly recommend breathing meditation, it
is simple and easy to remember as well:

  • Sit still somewhere comfortable and where you won't be disturbed for at least ten minutes to start and build up to thirty minutes daily.

  • Let your hands fall naturally into your lap and close your eyes.

  • Release all the tension in your body. Relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders.

  • Focus on your breathing. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. With each in-breath mentally feel calm and with each out-breath try to relax even more.

The breathing is to help your mind focus, the breathe becomes your mantra, it becomes the physiological relaxation technique.

Start right now.

Medication For HBP

Dealing with chronic high blood pressure after the delivery of your beautiful daughter is very stressful but you must have a talk with your doctor who may prescribe blood pressure medications. If prescribed medication and you are breast-feeding, you should know if the drug will have any affect on your baby.

Another question to ask your doctor is if they would carefully monitor you if there is a possibility of withholding blood pressure medications.

Relax And Live Well

I hope I was able to calm your nerves with the many options to lower your blood pressure and wishing you lots of enjoyment with your precious bundle of joy.

Thank you Mary for visiting my site and please write to me again with an update on your health.

Good luck.

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