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Cravings Decoded | Understanding And Satisfying Your Body's Desires!

High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, Episode #56

Cravings Decoded: Understanding and Satisfying Your Body's Desires.  So, here's the deal. Today we're going to break it down and chat about what these cravings really mean and how we can satisfy them without feeling guilty. It should be really interesting, so let’s dive in!

Mentioned In This Episode: Decoding Metabolism | The Rhythms Of Your Energy

  • Decoding metabolism is essentially getting to know more about the rhythms of your energy, your internal powerhouse. Think of your metabolism as the grand conductor of the body that ensures that everything runs in perfect harmony.

    I’m inviting you to opt into Women of Color Health Movement to download your free ebook copy here on metabolic syndrome as my gift to you, so you may learn more about the five risk factors and outlining diseases associated with the metabolic syndrome that's rampant within the black community.

  • Of course, you can reverse metabolic system by joining our mindful eating program filled with 4 weeks of flavorful breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes for your tastebuds to enjoy.While you are being guided to confidently create your very own Tailored Taste Templates journey with Personalized Profiling. Click the link here to get started.

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Cravings Decoded: Understanding And Satisfying Your Body's Desires Podcast Transcript!

We’ve all experience this before! You’re just sitting around, minding your own business, and then out of nowhere, you get hit with this intense craving for a slice of pizza or a piece of chocolate. You know those random moments when you just can't stop thinking about something specific to eat, even if you're not really hungry?

Well, we’re going to dig into why that happens and what it actually means about what your body needs. Plus, we'll share some tips on how to satisfy these cravings without going overboard. It's going to be a great discussion, so stick around!

High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Purpose Statement!

Welcome to the High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle Podcast, where your journey toward a healthier, more vibrant life takes center stage. I'm Donna Williams, your host and guide, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and passionate advocate for transforming lives through mindful, practical approaches to health.

hbp podcast picture.

At my digital home,, and through this podcast, I'm here to serve a vibrant community, especially focusing on women of color, by demystifying chronic disease management—starting with high blood pressure.

I'm passionate about turning wellness into a way of life, ensuring vibrant health is accessible to everyone I work with. My tag line is “Eat Well to Live Well” so that you can ‘Transform your Health, Elevate your Heart, and Empower your Wellness’.

Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey, reshaping your lives from reactive health measures to proactive health empowerment. It's more than modifying a diet or changing a routine; it's about making wellness your daily mantra and experiencing a full transformation.

Today's Topic!

cravings decoded.

Hey listeners, thank you so much for tuning in to Cravings Decoded: Understanding and Satisfying Your Body's Desires and also learning how to navigate cravings with confidence. Let's get started!

What Causes Cravings?

Sometimes we see or smell things that makes our mouth water and you instantly feel hungry even if you just had something to eat. For example, at times while watching the television we see an ad of a plate of delicious looking desserts that triggers our cravings.

So, here's the deal. We've all been there, right? Where you can't stop thinking about that bag of chips in the pantry or that ice cream in the freezer? From salty to sweet cravings can reveal so much about you! 

But you ever wonder what that's all about? Well, there might be more to those cravings than you think. We’re going to explore what your body might be trying to tell you and how to handle these urges in a healthy, balanced way. Today, we’re going to achieve harmony between mind and diet. Trust me, this is going to be a fun and eye-opening chat on how we can satisfy them without feeling guilty.

We've all experienced cravings for certain types of food. It's hard to resist the pull of a salty crunch, a sweet treat, or a savory snack. But why do we crave specific foods? And is there any way to satisfy these cravings without overindulging? Let's explore the science behind our most common cravings and how we can manage them. 

What Cravings Mean And How To Satisfy Them!

There are several potential causes of food cravings. Hormones, emotions, physical needs, or psychological factors such as stress or boredom may trigger them. Food cravings are often associated with certain times of the day or week, like after dinner or on weekends.

This could be due to habits formed over time or changes in our daily routines.

Psychological Cravings!

We often associate food cravings with our emotions; when we're feeling stressed, lonely, or bored, a craving for comfort food can settle in. A quick way in dealing psychologically with your cravings are to:

  • Delay whatever you were going to do or eat by counting to ten.
  • Breathe deeply – take a few deep breaths to change the chemical makeup of the brain for that moment, that may give you the strength to walk away from the temptation.
  • Drink water – a large glass of water can also help in changing the taste within your mouth and give you a full feeling. Or drink and enjoy a flavorful herbal tea.
  • Distract yourself by doing something that needs your full attention like playing a game on your mobile phone

These are part of the steps that leads to cravings decoded!

Nutritional Cravings!

Not all cravings are psychological; sometimes, your body needs something it isn't getting from your diet. Nutritional deficiencies can cause cravings for specific foods to replenish lost nutrients or vitamins.

For example, if you have low iron levels, you may find yourself craving red meat because it is high in iron content. Similarly, if your body needs more calcium, you might find yourself dreaming about ice cream.

If you have intense cravings for a particular type of food regularly, it could be worth consulting with a nutritionist to check for any underlying nutritional deficiencies.

Hormonal Cravings!

Hormones like estrogen and progesterone can also affect our relationship with food and cause us to crave certain types of food. The hormones released during menstruation, primarily responsible for PMS symptoms like bloating and cramping, can also increase appetite and cause us to crave sweets or processed carbs like chocolate and bread. 

As we continue to dive into cravings decoded let look at how we may satisfy our cravings in a healthy manner.

How To Satisfy Cravings Healthier!

The key to managing food cravings is understanding why and what triggers them. Once you know the cause of your craving, finding healthier ways to satisfy it will be easier. 

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Choose nutrient-rich snacks like fruits and vegetables
  • Get creative with healthy substitutes for unhealthy snacks (for example, dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate)
  • Make sure you're getting enough sleep and managing stress levels, as these can play a role in triggering cravings
  • Find healthy alternatives for comfort foods
  • Avoid keeping unhealthy snacks around the house so they won't tempt you when you have a craving.

Of course, sometimes you’ll overeat…at times we just have to take a bite of that cookie. That’s okay but start the next day with a healthy breakfast and get right back into your healthy pattern. Your cravings decoded!

Cravings Decoded When You Navigate Cravings With Confidence!

Understanding our bodies' responses to different cravings is key to managing them without overindulging or making unhealthy decisions about what we eat.

By recognizing the difference between psychological, nutritional, and hormonal triggers behind the different cravings we experience, we can learn how best to satisfy them without resorting to unhealthy habits that might negatively impact our overall health. 

I also want to leave you with insights you should know about the rhythms of your energy.

Decoding Metabolism - The Rhythms Of Your Energy


Decoding metabolism is essentially getting to know more about the rhythms of your energy, your internal powerhouse. Think of your metabolism as the grand conductor of the body that ensures that everything runs in perfect harmony.

I’m inviting you to opt into Women of Color Health Movement and download your free ebook copy here on metabolic syndrome as my gift to you, so you may learn more about the five risk factors and outlining diseases associated with the metabolic syndrome that's rampant within the black community.

Of course, you can reverse metabolic system by joining our mindful eating program filled with 4 weeks of flavorful breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes for your tastebuds to enjoy.While you are being guided to confidently create your very own Tailored Taste Templates journey with Personalized Profiling.  Click the link here to get started.

Thanks for tuning into the High Blood Pressure Wellness Lifestyle podcast. If you enjoyed today’s episode on, "Cravings Decoded: Understanding and Satisfying Your Body's Desires" I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Click the fan mail icon to leave me a comment, and you might get a shout-out in a future episode. Don’t forget to subscribe and rate us too. Thanks again for your support. Share this episode with friends and family!

See you next week.

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