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Your Brain Surprising COVID Connection, Your Recovery, And Risk For Future Health Problems

I learned about the brain surprising COVID connection from Sanjay Gupta, MD, who is also a regular contributor on CNN. He wrote an article for AARP where he told the story of a critical care pulmonologist, doctor, Michael Stephen, MD; who contracted COVID-19 and his journey during and his recovery experiences.

With his recovery came surprising neurological symptoms that he is still going through months after. Dr. Stephen reported feeling like his brain was on fire.

How coronavirus attacks the brain, and its nerves is still not clear. Doctors only know that once you become positive the virus travels across the blood brain barriers and into the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord.

Then coronavirus can and do inflect all sorts of damage to different parts of the brain. Exploiting the brain cells, making copies of itself and at the same time sucking up precious oxygen, then starving neighboring brain cells.

The after-effects leave you feeling like your brain is stuck in a deep fog, experiencing splitting headaches and overwhelming fatigue. Your brain is unlike any other organ you have with your body.

The long-term effects to the body and brain surprising COVID connection will be ongoing and part of a global consortium of research scientists' extensive study.

I want to tell you that there's is a twelve-week program you can do for brain health and the action plan you can follow to help yourself or a love one.

Below on this webpage I'll be sharing with you some of Dr. Gupta's five-step self-protection plan that he listed in the AARP article.

The Brain Surprising COVID Connection And Self-Protection Plan

My own family's journey with Alzheimer's of over 50 years which is still ongoing is at the forefront of mind on the many ways the brain works and is affected. My grandmother had it, two of my sisters had/has has died and the other is still alive with night-time changing personalities.

During all this time the men in family have not been afflicted with any of the aging diseases….Dementia, Alzheimer’s, or senility. I’m curious as to what is protecting them and not the women in my family.

If you have gone through Alzheimer's with anyone you know that sometimes at night the individual becomes a completely different person and has super-strength.

It was by chance I saw this interview on CNN of Sanjay Gupta, MD talking about his recent book, Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age, that stopped me in my track, and had me watching and listening in fascination.

This is something that is personal to me and my family.

Five-Step Brain Self-Protection Plan

  1. Maintaining your social connections, even in this time of virtual almost everything. Though with more people getting vaccinated socializing will return.

  2. Eating foods that are good for you and great at treating high blood pressure. Like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, including seafood for their omega-e and 6; healthy fats, nuts and seeds. I highly recommend this diet plan that's beneficial in fighting infections.

  3. Getting a sound sleep every night is part of your many secret weapons available to combat your brain surprising COVID connection. This is when your body refreshes and replenishes tissues, cells and immune system.

  4. Exercising...physical activities is key to mental sharpness and a healthy immune system. There are tons of online programming. Find an area in your home or apartment, log on to a virtual class, get started. Nothing wrong with exercising outside also...there's lots of fresh air circulating out there.

  5. Get a hold on your anxieties and fears. The first month of lockdown in the United States my anxiety and fear was through the roof. My husband and I had to make the decision to be happy and thankful, in spite of seeing our neighbors taken out of their homes on stretchers into ambulances, never to return home. Their vehicles parked in front of their homes no longer moving as proof that they are gone.

The impact and changes that we all have experienced during this pandemic has been challenging. The joy of recovering from this disease has left you with the awareness that now you and your family will have to be resilient in your outlook of the unknown new risk for future health problems.

Remember you are not alone in the many brain surprising COVID connection happening neurologically or otherwise. But in the interim do not let fear get in your way, take the actionable steps outlined above and in Dr. Gupta's book and create in new habits.

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