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Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally To A Healthier And Slimmer You!

Quickly lowering my blood pressure was a life-or-death decision I had to make. When I was first diagnosed the only treatment back then was to be on drugs for the rest of my life.

My doctors continued to tell me that even after going through four different categories of medications and they noticing the radical changes happening to my body.

The taking of blood pressure medications should not be a life sentence. From my own experience I have learned that if you’re determined to come off or reduce your medication you can do so.

Medication is not forever if you commit to making the lifestyle changes that alter your body’s physiology. How to overcome high blood pressure naturally nutritious online program shows you how it actually can be done.

Clare, a 65-year-old who is of African descent, was able to reduce her numbers from 155/93 to more than meet the required numbers that’s considered normal, to 126/74 in my 6 weeks program. And she lost a good amount of weight in her midsection.

I especially mention Clare, because there are some myths about high blood pressure that you should be aware of, especially those concerning senior citizens.


What This Uncontrolled Chronic Disease Can Do To Your Body!

Uncontrolled blood pressure is linked to many health complications. It increases your risk factors for a heart attack, stroke, dementia, kidney failure to vision loss, sexual dysfunction, and even weak bones.

It steals years from your life.

Medication alone isn’t the only answer to controlling it, and you making the wrong lifestyle changes, like just only cutting back on your intake of salt, only to see your numbers barely decreasing, may have you believing the natural way doesn’t work.

But there are effective, natural, and often with you not having to take more than one medication daily or even increase the current dosage of your current medication, life-changing plans.

To effectively treat the root causes of high blood pressure on all its front, is through a combination method that is easy and convenient to implement.

I received my certification after a year’s study, from the largest and best health coaching training program, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Where I learned true health is about more than what’s on your plate.

Healthy Lifestyle combinations for a healthier you.

Everything in your life plays a role in how you feel including relationships, career, and spiritual practice.

You can’t be in a hateful relationship, or career or constantly angry and expect that balancing your body’s deficiencies alone will lower your blood pressure. No…..

The foods you eat are secondary to all the other aspects of your life.

Lower Your Blood Pressure Online Nutrition Program For A Healthier And Slimmer You!

With my lower your blood pressure online program for a healthier and slimmer you, you’ll learn to cook once and eat at least twice. This helps to make the steps for the program easy and convenient.

You’ll prepare extra when cooking so you can take leftovers to work or add to the same meal a different side dish to save cooking time every other day. 


Begin with an open mind, experiment with healthy ingredients, and don’t get discouraged if it takes a little time to develop your culinary skills. It’s never too late to get started.

Try This Quinoa Veggie Recipe

Quinoa veggie meal to lower your blood pressure and blood sugar. Veggie Meal
  1. Rinse then soak 1 cup of quinoa for about an hour. Drain.

  2. Combine quinoa with 2 cups of water and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for 10 - 15 minutes.

  3. Turn off heat, fluff with fork, and leave quinoa covered for another 5 minutes to absorb any remaining water.

  4. Transfer to a bowl and add your favorite chopped veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, sprouts, scallions, spinach, carrots, and any others you have on hand.

  5. Add a sprinkle of extra virgin olive oil and a bit of sea salt and pepper if you like.

  6. Mix and enjoy any time of day.

Share your thoughts here with me on this easy to make, flavorful meal, or email me at

It is because of the knowledge I gained from you, that for the last 6 months, I've been cooking all of my meals from scratch and eating vegetables, grains, and beans that I never tried in forty years. Thank you for providing such a wonderful gift to us all!  -  Jessica Cormack, Sarver, Pennsylvania

 Making time to nourish yourself with loving attention is an essential way to connect with yourself on a deeper level and find lasting acceptance. 

Also part of this program is for your authentic self to naturally bloom making you stronger.

You’ll begin to set aside daily or weekly time to dedicate entirely to yourself. This can include taking a hot bath, giving yourself a massage, meditating, taking a yoga class, or whatever else you enjoy that makes you feel nurtured on a spiritual and emotional level.

Start Today In Lowering Your BP Naturally!

I am today encouraging you to take charge of your health. You can contact me about having one-on-one private coaching or, do a 5-day whole food nutritious program to detox your cells.

To regulate your blood pressure, go all in with my 6 weeks program that is sure to improve your blood pressure numbers and the health of your cardiovascular system whether you’re on hypertension medications or not.


Henry is 59 years of age, from St. Catherine, Jamaica, West Indies; said 'getting my weight below 200 was an absolute triumph'. He has lost 24 pounds and reduced his blood pressure readings from 193/82 to 163/65 within four weeks. After six weeks his reading was down to 127/57. He further said 'I haven't had my blood pressure under control and felt this good for a very long time. I'm planning to do this forever'.

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