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Omron Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

Omron Healthcare Inc, maker of omron digital blood pressure monitor, offers a large selection of blood pressure kits and digital monitors to make managing and monitoring your high blood pressure easy.  They are the first manufacturer of monitors that incorporated IntelliSense technology. This makes it easy for you to understand your readings.

I was diagnosis with high blood pressure sometime ago, so I use a home monitor to record my readings both mornings and evenings.

Using The Omron Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

My blood pressure monitor of choice is the Omron 10 Series Wireless Bluetooth Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor with Two User Mode (200 Reading Memory) - Compatible with Alexa, you can wirelessly connect to your online dashboard for a digital record of your blood pressure readings. That way it's easier for your to track your progress and take the right steps to manage your heart.

Omron has married their accurate technology with connectivity. With the free Omron Wellness app, users can wirelessly sync their readings to their smartphone so they can know their numbers anywhere, anytime.

How the blood pressure monitor works is the cuff inflates to a pressure initially in excess of your systolic arterial pressure and then again reduces to below your body's diastolic pressure over a period of about 30 seconds.

It is essential that you have the correct blood pressure monitor cuff size for your arms. If not an undersized cuff may yield too high a pressure, and it would be the opposite if the cuff is over-sized, it will yield too low a pressure.

There are many different types of Digital Blood Pressure Monitor to choose from with automatic readings of your blood pressure.

Before Taking Your Blood Pressure Measurement

To ensure a reliable reading from a digital blood pressure monitor follow these recommendations:

  1. Avoid eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, exercising, and bathing for 30 minutes before taking a measurement.

  2. We all know stress raises blood pressure, so avoid taking readings during stressful times.

  3. For the best reading remove tight-fitting clothing from your arm.

  4. Sit with your feet flat on the floor and keep your arm on the same level as your heart.

  5. Try and be still and do not talk during blood pressure readings.

  6. It is very important to keep a record of your blood pressure and pulse readings for your physician and also for yourself to compare. To have an accurate indication of your true blood pressure, you need to take and record several readings over a period of time. And, for consistency, try to measure your blood pressure at about the same time each day.

  7. If you should ever get an error on your digital monitor, wait 2 to 3 minutes between readings. The wait time allows the arteries in your arm to return to the condition prior to taking blood pressure measurement.

Recommendations of Omron digital blood pressure monitor is that it's readings are the most reliable.

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