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Normal blood pressure readings for an adult is between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg. If your numbers are higher than these it might indicate high blood pressure, and doctors usually want to take action when your blood pressure readings are over 140/90 mm Hg.
But, did you know that at birth your blood pressure is around 90/60 mm Hg or it might even been lower. As you grow older it gradually rises. To make sure you are maintaining normal readings you must have your blood pressure measured.
With the information noted below you can determine whether your numbers are normal or high. And, always record your measurements on a blood pressure chart so your doctor can view them.
The Ozeri BP6T blood pressure monitor is less than an inch thick and weights only 3.5 oz, is simple to use, provides accurate measurements both on-the-go and at home.
It features an advanced rechargeable wrist cuff monitor with measure while inflate technology that reduces measurement time. Stores up to 1197 blood pressure readings with date and time memory recall and automatically classified each blood pressure reading - (399 readings x 3 users).
To get an accurate reading follow these simple rules:
An inaccurate reading can mean the difference between a lifetime of taking pills and the avoidance of taking medications. So you want to avoid the many problems that may lead to the wrong reading.
It is said that people who monitor their own blood pressure at home are more likely to have normal readings. Why? Because they stay on a regimen for lowering or maintaining their blood pressure.
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