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How To Read Blood Pressure And Get An Accurate Reading

How to read blood pressure is key in detecting or diagnosing if you have high blood pressure. You or any other trained individual can take that measurement because everything that follows will depend on its accuracy. 

Being able to measure, track your systolic and diastolic numbers, heart rate, pulse wave, and measurement time, empowers you to see whenever there is a change.

Much goes into an accurate high blood pressure measurements. Now with the new technology available to use at your fingertips, you can record your readings using your own blood pressure chart, or you might want to use this monitor's app to track and store your measurements.

How To Prepare For Your Blood Pressure Reading

Getting started on how to read blood pressure correctly by just following these simple rules:

  • No smoking, drinking alcohol or coffee within fifteen minutes of taking your blood pressure measurements.

  • The cuff should fit your arm. The length of the bladder should be 80% of the circumference of the upper arm. If your arm is heavy or very muscular you need a larger bladder, while children need a much smaller bladder.

  • You should remain silent during the measurement.

  • Your supported elbow should be at about the level of your heart.

  • And relax for a minute before taking your measurement.

iHealth Blood Pressure Monitoring System

The iHealth BP5 Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor accommodates an unlimited number of users. So quite a number of you and your family can record your health information on this unit.

The integrated app includes health tools for a personalized experience.

Blood Pressure Monitoring System Features

  • Works offline or online for flexible use.

  • Measures and tracks your systolic/diastolic numbers, your heart rate, pulse wave and measurement time.

  • Holds an unlimited number of profiles. So everyone in your household can use this one monitoring system.

  • Keep track of your physical activities and daily diet.

  • You can use with iHealth app to monitor, track and store your blood pressure readings.

  • Has Bluetooth 3.0 and EDR technology. Enables use with most Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod touch models, so you can easily monitor and share your results.

  • Gives you immediate evaluation, and reasons of your results that is relative to the standard guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO). All this is color-coded for easy referencing.

  • You also have the ability to send by email your data or graphic to your cardiologist.

Even more exciting feature is the compact base stand with dock for your iPhone or iPad is battery powered, is rechargeable using either your computer's USB port or directly from your Apple USB Power pack.

It is easy to use and reviews have been great with a five star rating.  Weighing 1.7 pounds it is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.

I highly recommend the purchasing of the iHealth BP5 Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor as part of your personal healthcare.

How To Read Blood Pressure Correctly

You place the cuff over your bare arm, leaving the cuff's lower edge about an inch above the bend of the elbow. Close the cuff around the arm and then stick the Velcro together at the ends of the cuff.  Then follow their instructions on acquiring your measurements.

Record those number immediately on your blood pressure chart and also note which arm you took the measurements from whether it is your right or left arm.

If the first measurement is above 140 systolic or 90 diastolic, do take another measurement on the same arm after 60 seconds, then measure the other arm.

Usually the measurements of both arms are often the same. But the average of the two measurements in the arm that supplies the higher readings is the correct blood pressure.

Now you know how to read blood pressure accurately.

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