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High Blood Pressure Diet Guidelines To Stay Well

Most individuals do not realize the significance of high blood pressure diet guidelines that serves as a basic weapon to fight against hypertension. Food conveys emotional satisfaction, and it can become a hormonal stimuli that contributes to your health.

At the same time food contains phytochemicals that gives you their tastes, aromas and colors while also helping to reduce your risk to certain diseases.

We now have so much varieties of food available that you can lose track of what your individual food contains and how to put them together into healthy high blood pressure diet  guidelines.

To help you overcome high blood pressure you need to know which foods support good health and nutrients. You need to know their names, the food's inner quality, and how to combine foods into nutritious diets.

High Blood Pressure Diet Guidelines - Food Types

Your basic foods consist of milk and milk products, fish and chicken, vegetables, beans, fruits and grains. These foods are generally considered to form the basis of a nutritious diet and are called whole foods. 

Fruits and Vegetables,

Organic foods are foods that are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

Natural foods that is often used to imply wholesomeness but has no legal definition.

Enriched foods and fortified foods to which nutrients have been added.  If the starting food material is whole the result may be highly nutritious.

Fast foods are traditionally hamburgers, french fries and milkshakes, salads and other vegetable dishes as well. These foods may meet some nutrient needs depending on your selection.

Processed foods are subjected to processes such as milling, alteration of the texture of the food, and the addition of additives.  Depending on the process the food may or may not be nutritious.

Staple foods are used frequently sometimes daily, like rice or potatoes.  If well-chosen these foods are nutritious.

Why You Choose Certain Foods?

Your cultural and social meanings are attached to the food you eat. It is just like wearing traditional clothing or speaking your native language and enjoying your traditional cuisines which can also be a way of celebrating your own unique heritage.

The cultural traditions of your food are not inflexible. As you learn more about the foods you normally eat, new foods, your health being compromised by your diet, you may choose to become a vegetarian or decide to eat only fish and vegetables.

Whatever the reason for how you choose your foods, if you have hypertension be sure to follow our high blood pressure diet guidelines to staying healthy.

Can Food Increase Your High Blood Pressure?

Eating foods that will likely raise your blood pressure can make controlling high blood pressure difficult. Here are five high blood pressure diet guidelines areas that should be avoided or decreased in quantity:

  1. Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages - Alcohol has a tendency to directly raise your blood pressure level and it's possible that it can damage the walls of your blood vessels, triggering the risk of heart and kidney diseases.

  2. Table Salt or Sodium - Studies have shown that consuming too much table salt or sodium chloride elevates high blood pressure. It is recommended that you avoid regular salt and use sea salt, and the one I use and can highly recommend is Celtic sea salt.

  3. Greasy, canned and Fast Food - Avoid oily, greasy foods and canned foods with preservatives and artificial sugar. For these not only raises your blood cholesterol and blood pressure but also increases your weight and is a big risk to your heart.

  4. Caffeine - For some people consuming a reasonable amount of caffeine can be good but too much intake of caffeine can interrupt your body's blood circulatory system.

  5. Good and bad fats - Your body needs a balanced amount of fats that may include little amounts of saturated and trans fats that are mostly present in red meat. However, it is better to eat foods that provide unsaturated fats such as fish, nuts, olives and vegetable oils.

Recommended High Blood Pressure Diet Guidelines

High blood pressure can be caused by a number of deficiencies in your body such as that of key minerals like Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium. So include in your diet many healthy contents that are helpful in lowering your high blood pressure.

  • Consume Plenty of Magnesium - Research shows that a decent intake of Magnesium can help in the lowering of your blood pressure. Foods that are rich in magnesium include spinach, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, chard, peas, pumpkins, kidney beans and potatoes.

  • Fish Oil: a rich Omega-3 food source - high quality fish oil and wild fish are considered as an abundant source of Omega 3 that is a very effective fatty acid for controlling blood pressure.

  • More Fiber is better - Eating plenty of dietary fiber in your diet can make amazing changes to your blood pressure levels. Maximizing the quantity of fiber in your diet not only regulates your blood pressure but may also help you drop some body fat and at the same time clean out your digestive tracks.

  • Drop Your Body Fats - Obesity is known as one of the biggest causes of high blood pressure. By reducing your weight by walking or doing aerobic exercises and cutting down on excessive dietary fats, you can see a remarkable change in your blood pressure.

  • Relaxation Therapies - Many studies have shown that stress hormones are one the biggest contributors of causing increased blood pressure. Stress management can improve your blood pressure condition. So choosing from the many different types of meditation, controlling stress through therapeutic measure, like choosing a quiet place, sit, stand or lie down, focusing your attention on your breathing or a certain word and practice deep controlled breathing.

Treating hypertension with proven high blood pressure diet guidelines is possible. All you need to do is to take some time and plan a good diet chart for yourself and take small steps in incorporating your plan.

Your Lifestyle Diet For High Blood Pressure

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