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Become Aware Of The Power Of Health Coaching

Are you aware of the power of health coaching and its many benefits to you? You'll connect to your inner guidance on how to nourish yourself with the foods of life that includes spirituality, career, physical activity and relationships.

Nutrition extends far beyond food and comprises of all things that nourishes the body. Your body is a system and with imbalance within creates disease.

How I Can Be Of Help To You

Are you aware of the power of health coaching and its many benefits to you? Would you like to recreate your whole life and, in the process, overcome high blood pressure? 

Health coaching of mind, body, soul.

Health is wealth and they are inextricably linked.


Let us discuss your health problem, book a get to know call today here!

High blood pressure health coaching approach promotes eating healthy foods ninety percent of the time and eating less healthy foods, like anything your heart desires ten percent of the time.

Details of my holistic coaching service is listed here that have helped lots of women of color and individuals with specific health issues who are looking to improve their health, vitality, and life. It is a lifestyle adjustments guide that helps you to live your best life.

Know that right now you are not alone in facing your issues.  Many of us in some way or another are going through similar health issues, and experiences. Reach out for help and guidance in activating your inner healing power.  

If self healing is possible, its up to you to belief and act.

My reversal of high blood pressure wellness plan includes nourishing foods, a combination of lifestyle choices comprising of relationship, emotional, spirituality, and physical activity. All this together on a daily basis change everything. 


The standard diet of today is processed, chemicalized foods. Fast foods are found in every corner of the world with some countries now fighting a health epidemic. Obesity is rampant, chronic diseases of which high blood pressure is one are all having a global impact on governments and government run services.

Solutions seem to come in prescription bottles and surgeries.


Awareness and proven data around food and other whole-body choices are coming to light. Neighborhood Farmers market are now seen more often, and nutrition-focused topics are dominating the population.


We are now at the forefront of a health frontier.

Wellness Coaching

My mission is to inspire you to live the life you have always imagined, and without giving up real food. Learn how to nourish your mind, body, and spirit into wholeness. At the start of my conversation, I always ask my clients:

Healthy living through Health Coaching.

‘What’s your biggest challenge or concern when it comes to your health? If you could overcome that challenge, what would success look like for you?’

Then I outline how I can help you to reach your health and wellness goals, one step at a time. Also how you’ll participate in the discussion on ways to achieve balance in all areas of your life that leads to optimal health and wholeness.

Together, you and I can start a ripple effect on health, vibrancy and happiness.

As a Certified Health Coach and Visual Diagnosis practitioner, I'm able to listen deeply to what you are saying and make note of your body's signs and signals to support you in becoming more aware (It can be individually, or as a group).

To understand how to nourish yourself holistically and coaches everyone toward their respective goals. Read more about my coaching services.

We'll focus on the relationship between food and lifestyle and how they both affect health. Imagine how OvercomeHBP can help you recreate your life. Health is wealth and they are inextricably linked.


Health coaching makes a real difference in your whole health crisis fight.

How OvercomeHBP Health Coaching Can Help

Whether your goal is:

  • weight loss,
  • improved digestion,
  • reversal of a chronic disease,
  • stress reduction,
  • or to create sustainable lifestyle changes,

me, Donna Williams, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, and creator of Overcome HBP is a supportive mentor in helping you create healthier habits.

Healthy living through Health Coaching.

OvercomeHBP addresses all facets of wellness and healing  that includes relationships, physical activities, spirituality, your job/career, emotions, and your achievements.

It is flexible and doable. It’s a combination of vegetarian, Mediterranean, anti-inflammatory, acid-alkaline, blood type, and some gluten free foods.

Ultimately you are the only one who can decide whether there will be a change or no change. Whether your health or your life becomes exactly what you imagined or if it stays the same.

Think about what you specifically want for yourself, whether its to lose weight, stop feeling tired all the time, eat healthier or heal a condition that's been bothering you. 

You decide whether you will do things differently today so you can have different results.

Are you ready to make the change on becoming whole? Get started with the help of Health Coaching today.

Arrange your free 30-minute clarifying call now. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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