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Diastolic Blood Pressure And You

Diastolic blood pressure is the second number of your blood pressure reading... the minimum pressure of your blood which occurs while your heart is relaxing between beats.  When talking about normalized blood pressure, of 120/80 or less, diastolic pressure is the bottom number.. here 80 or the minimum reading on normal blood pressure scale.

Because your heart normally relaxes longer than it contracts your diastolic measurement is closer to the average blood pressure than the systolic blood pressure is.  If your diastolic number gets higher than 90, then you are suffering from diastolic hypertension.

Just like systolic blood pressure, your diastolic readings vary depending on a number of factors like gravity, your age, emotions, weight and your overall health condition.

What Do Diastolic Blood Pressure Readings Mean?

If you have never had your blood pressure checked be advised to see your doctor and get checked regularly.  Unlike systolic pressure, diastolic pressure is not too dangerous but still it is important to learn about it.

  • If your bottom number is lower than 60 you are considered to have low diastolic pressure.

  • Readings of 70 to 90 means you have controlled or normal blood pressure.

  • 80 to 90 bottom numbers you are in a pre-hypretensive stage.

  • If your number lies between 90 and 99 you are in Stage 1 of high blood pressure or mild hypertension.

  • 100 or more you are now showing signs of Stage 2 of hypertension which is moderate to severe conditions.

Importance Of Diastolic High Blood Pressure

Most young people and children have relatively high diastolic number. In children and teenagers the bottom number is of significant importance. Researches and medical practitioners use your bottom number to measure the health and elasticity of your large blood vessels which pumps blood from your heart to the organs in your body.

Your diastolic pressure is the lowest point of blood pressure.

After your heart empties the blood from your ventricle, your aortic valve shuts to prevent your blood from returning into your heart from the rest of your body. Then your heart muscle relaxes and your ventricle expands as blood from your lungs fills it up.

At that moment, your blood pressure rapidly falls within your arteries until it reaches its diastolic blood pressure, which is its lowest point. Your blood pressure bottom number.

Before the pressure falls further, the ventricle contracts again and your blood pressure starts to rise back up to the systolic level.

The cycle begins again and this way every part of your body will get essential nutrients to perform their functions.

Taking Your Blood Pressure Readings

Your doctor uses a device called Sphygmomanometer to monitor your blood pressure.  It consists of an arm cuff that he put around your upper arm.  When the air is released from the cuff, your diastolic reading will be shown on a gauge attached to the arm cuff.

If you are not experienced with the use-at-home Sphygmomanometer, it is recommended to use Greater Goods Blood Pressure Monitor Cuff Kit by Balance, Digital BP Meter with Large Display, Upper Arm Cuff, Set Also Comes with Tubing and Device Bag (BP Monitor New) instead. Its easy to use and you can operate these monitors with a single button and get your readings.

Diastolic blood pressure tends to change throughout the day depending on your activity and your emotional state. To get the right number it is advised to take two to three readings and calculate the average value.

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