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Statistics shows that diabetes and blood pressure medication prescription have increased all over the world to adults and even now to teens and children. Know that diabetes is the diagnosis of when your blood glucose is 126 mg/dl on a couple of occasions in the fasting state or 200 mg/dl in a random blood glucose.
Those readings indicates that there is an increased risk of heart disease when your blood glucose is at these levels. The solution is to keep your weight down, get plenty of exercise, avoid fats and keep your blood glucose under 100 fasting or 140 random.
The key hormone in diabetes is insulin and high blood pressure often increases with the early onset of this disease. So take charge of your health and learn as much as you can, monitor your diabetes, it is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.
High blood pressure
is a major health factor in you developing kidney problems if you have
diabetes. So controlling it with medications, like ACE inhibitors or
angiotensin receptor blockers, will help slow its progression.
Also, your high blood pressure can be a result of damage created
by the diabetes or it can be the cause of diabetes. And, of course if
you already have kidney disease then high blood pressure can accelerate
its progress.
Though I must mention that not every one with diabetes will develop kidney disease. So keep yourself up-to-date on the diabetes and blood pressure medication you are taking.
The prevalence of children and teens who were prescribed medications for high blood pressure or diabetes (including insulin) increased by 15.2%, from 3.3% per one thousand teenagers in November 2004 to 3.8% per one thousand young teens presently.
Between 2004 and 2007 there was a major increase in the number of children and teens being prescribed medication to treat high blood pressure or diabetes.
These developments of young kids having cardiovascular risk factors that is typically associated with adults comes from the increase in our children weight.
If you are an adult and have high blood pressure you are two and a half times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes.
Remember not everyone will develop diabetes because I was diagnosis with high blood pressure and taking medications for over fifteen years, and so far I am not diabetic.
Various studies states that high blood pressure do increase your risk for the development and worsening of many complications of diabetes, including diabetic eye disease and kidney disease.
This affects about 60% of individuals with diabetes.
According to a study by Researchers at John Hopkins found that the risk of diabetes is 28% times greater if you are taking beta blocker medications to lower your blood pressure.
They further stated that if you are diabetic your blood pressure readings should not go above 130/80.
So having a normal blood pressure is important in having a good control of your blood sugars when it comes to preventing diabetes complications.
Some blood pressure medication do adversely affect
your blood sugar levels, so please talk with your doctor about the side
effects of your medication.
ACE inhibitors are a group of medications that is often prescribed to treat high blood pressure especially if you are diabetic.
This medication has been shown to prevent and delay the progression of kidney disease in people with diabetes.
So with your doctor's monitoring of your diabetes and blood pressure medication you will control your blood pressure and lessen your chances of developing diabetes.
Be sure to monitor your blood pressure often, and share your measurements with your cardiologist for a better medical and health overview.
Omron 7 Series Wireless monitor is rated #1 by doctors and pharmacist also recommends. You will be able to manage and track your last 120 readings on your smartphone, and is compatible to your Apple iPhone, iPad, Samsun Galaxy and Android.
The cuff fits medium and large arms, comfortable and easy to adjust, the pre-formed Comfit Cuff inflates around your entire arm, avoiding incorrect cuff positioning thereby ensuring a precise reading.
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