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Blood type A individuals are found to be vegetarians. Surprisingly their blood type risk factors are heart disease, cancer and diabetes. You would think if you are vegetarians then you would not be susceptible to these types of diseases.
With what we’re told of how plant-based meals are the healthiest way of eating, being at risk for these chronic diseases is very confusing for me. Still, I want you to take heart and know that you have the ability to change your destiny by supercharging your immune system.
The study also states your genetic ancestry, meaning your digestive system easily utilize the best nature has to offer. Eating fresh, pure and organic, in as natural a state as possible, is best for your well-being.
Good beneficial source of foods for you should include soy proteins, grains and vegetables.
If you are a meat eater, just eliminate overly processed and refined foods from your diet to make digesting easier and to help you lose weight. Your body psyche leans towards naturally being slim.
Rest assured that there is ongoing research to better understand how this virus interacts with all the blood groups. The development of new medications and prevention methods I am sure will be found.
For blood type A individuals consuming these foods might make you sluggish and less energized than if you eat vegetable proteins.
I love how he describes our genetic make-up as our biological hard drive with stored writings. These writings when decoded is within your power to choose how you want to manage and heal all your ailments.
Me suggesting what you should eat might not be what you enjoy. So I am suggesting that you go through this book and choose the foods that are highly beneficial to Blood Type A individual but especially enjoyable to your tastebuds.
Remember including vegetables, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants into your diet, in as natural a state as possible are vital to your immune system. That means raw, steamed, sautéed or roasted.
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