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Blood Pressure Numbers:
Do You Know Yours?

Your blood pressure numbers are measured values of how much pressure is present against the wall of your blood vessels. It is crucial to learn and understand what these numbers are and what do they represent. 

Unit of measurement for blood pressure numbers is millimeters of mercury and is written as mmHg. Normal blood pressure for an adult is 120/80 mmHg or less where 120 represents systolic value and 80 indicates diastolic value.  So keeping a blood pressure chart is very important.

Systolic And Diastolic Readings

Systolic means the upper value or pressure created while your heart pumps blood through your body.

Diastolic means the pressure in your blood arteries when your heart relaxes between beats.

When stating blood pressure numbers, systolic are specified first. For example a blood pressure of 138/87 mmHg means 138 as systolic and 87 as diastolic readings.

Classifying Of Blood Pressure Numbers And Values

Blood pressure is classified in certain ranges which helps you to understand whether you are suffering from high blood pressure and how intense or high it is.

  1. Optimal Level: If you have systolic reading just below 120 and diastolic reading just below 80 it is considered as ideal blood pressure. You do not have high blood pressure, try to maintain your healthy way of living.

  2. Normal Level: When your blood pressure numbers reach equal to 120/80 mmHg, it is defined as normal level. Most adults who do not have hypertension have these values.

  3. Pre-Hypertension: Pre-hypertension is the level between normal level and high blood pressure level I. When your readings become greater than 120/80 and less than 140/90 you are experiencing pre-hypertension. This indicates that you are running the risk of having hypertension in the near future. You need to adopt a healthy life style and a good diet.

  4. Hypertension Level I: If your blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or more you are considered to have high blood pressure. You need to talk about your condition with your doctor and start in any way to control your blood pressure through natural ways. Physical activities like walking, jogging, and light exercises will be an effective aid. Level I hypertension is easy to cure with a suitable diet. If blood pressure persists after trying all different natural measures it is then necessary to consult with your doctor.

  5. Hypertensin Level 2: If your blood pressure reaches 160/100 mmHg or more you are considered to suffering from hypertension stage 2. This is a crucial state and your doctor's advice become undeniably compulsory. At this level you will be given blood pressure medications to lower your pressure. Sodium and alcohol intake at this level is life threatening and must be avoided.

  6. Hypertension Level 3: Blood pressure with 170/120 mmHg is considered to be the most critical stage. You may experience heart failure, brain damage and kidney failure. And these are just some of the many major risks at this stage. You need intensive care and medical advice along with complete rest.

  7. Low Blood Pressure: Although not as harmful as high blood pressure, low blood pressure, is if your blood pressure readings falls below 100/70 mmHg. To recover from this one you should increase your intake of sodium rich food, food rich with minerals, proteins and vitamins and eat foods like boiled eggs and fish.

I want you to always remember that a healthy lifestyle, a good diet plan and some daily exercise is the best way to keep things like high blood pressure at bay.

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exercise exercise exercise Not rated yet
I had blood pressure of 170/120. I am 32 and not obese. I was overweight, but I did eat well (very little fast food or processed food.) I was also …

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