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Choosing the best blood pressure medication depends upon a number of conditions such as age, family history and poor general health, can all pit the odds against you. But remember, hypertension is mainly a lifestyle disorder and how you choose to live will determine whether or not your health will be affected by these risk factors.
A healthy lifestyle that includes a diet of fresh plant base foods and exercise alone can do wonder for your heart and even regulate your blood pressure. So I strongly suggest that you maximize lifestyle changes that lower blood pressure without drugs.
Do whatever you can because sometime the side effects of these best blood pressure medication can bring on other illness. And if you are already taking a prescription medicine, be aware that adding another drug can certainly create problems because of drugs interaction.
Keep in mind that your doctor will always prescribe the best blood pressure medication that fits your body's need and the severity of your blood pressure. The drug choices out there are almost limitless.
Discuss with your cardiologist the different characteristics and features of your high blood pressure medicine. Because some may be beneficial to you while other may be detrimental to you. It is important to know as much as possible about your medications.
Here are some of the widely recommended and used medications for lowering your blood pressure.
ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin receptor blockers are excellent medication options if you are also suffering from diabetes, heart or kidney problems. These medications help in the protection of your kidney and also with the controlling of your blood pressure levels.
Similarly, calcium channel blockers are used mostly by senior individuals, as their blood vessels are tick and rigid. It is just a fact of aging.
If you have asthma and are prescribed diuretics or ACE inhibitors, your physician will need to monitor you more carefully.
So the best blood pressure medicine for you is the one that suits your health condition. In short, the best blood pressure medication is the one that works as desired and produces very little side effects.
Though your medication is prescribed after careful analysis of your health, it is still possible that at times even the best high blood pressure medicine can have side effects.
Sleeping problems, drowsiness, dizziness, headaches and constipation are a few common side effects that are associated with the anti-hypertensive drugs. So if you experience any of these problems, consult your health physician. And, remember never to stop taking your medication without your doctor's advice.
You can change your diet, start exercising, and manage your stress, but still there are some risk factors over which you have no control. Some people are just more prone to hypertension than others. So rely on your doctor to prescribe the best blood pressure medication.
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