Work Out And Reduce Your Risk Of An Early Death Up To 30%
October 2, 2016
use these tips and squeeze a work out into your daily schedule. Your reward is by burning 90 to 110 calories daily you could reduce the risk of an early death by 16 to 30%. Inactivity is not a good choice if you have high blood pressure.
Our topics for newsletter Issue #60 are:
HBP Health Tips Corner
Heart Healthy Recipe
Most of us lead a very busy life so how and when we work out depends largely on our lifestyle.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that when you are overly sedentary it is twice as deadly as obesity. So adding an activity will significantly reduce the risk of premature death. So any fitness program you decide to do must be fun or you won't maintain it.
Also if you are experiencing joint problems do include some swimming exercises instead of aerobic exercises into your routine. There is no reason why you cannot find the right exercise program for you or your body type.
Here Are Some Easy To Do Work Out Tips
- Turn your household chores into a calorie burning exercise. Cleaning your floors can be rank in the moderate to intense exercising category, and that
include running up and down your stairs.
- Do not under-estimate your running errands or taking your kids to all of their extra-curricular activities. Usually you are moving at quite a fast pace doing this.
- Window shopping is another great activity. Walk that mall.
- Taking a half hour walk at the end of your day is a great way to destress and clear your mind.
Remember a little bit of exercising is better than nothing at all.
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2016 is coming to an end, soon you will be attending lots of parties so include a daily work out as a priority for your health. You may not have time to hit the gym so try and up your daily routine and make them part of your fitness program.
Being a high blood pressure sufferer, experiencing the benefits of an exercise program will help you manage any weight problems you may have and that includes increasing your flexibility and lessening joint pains. And lets not forget the lowering risk of premature death related to obesity as well.
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Listed here are some delicious Vegan Recipes that are flavorful, heart healthy and are easy to make.
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maintaining a regular work out schedule can be hard to fit into a busy lifestyle but there are many ways you can still take advantage of any opportunity that comes up to get moving. While watching your kids on the soccer field you can be active. Just walk around the field for the time they are playing - jumping and cheering them on for at least 30 minutes - you are burning calories.
Again thanks for reading this newsletter, please share it with your friends. But do encourage them to get their own copy and join Overcoming High Blood Pressure newsletter group. They will be able to download and receive their own ebook copy of how to use acupressure to lower their blood pressure.
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Warmest regards,
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