Learn How To Breathe And Master Your Life Force
June 6, 2015
, learn how to breathe and master your life's energy that intrinscially unites your body, emotions and spirit.
Mastering this force from deep within changes the levels of your high blood pressure and increase your oxygen uptake by 20 percent. Lets continue our talk about this life energy in this month's newsletter.
Our topics for newsletter Issue #44 are:
Performers or even individuals must reach deep within their diaphragm to either sing proficiently or time their breath while performing or just going through the daily paces of life. Learning how to control your breathing with stillness and speed makes an artist and an individual so much more healthier.

Our breathing is linked to the emotions that rule our stress levels, our mind, body and spirit. Stress is our internal response to external changes and challenges, whether real or imagined. This response increases even more when we lose our ability to cope.
The feeling of helplessness happens to everyone at some time or another. And the classic fight-or-flight reaction is not just within our heads. It is an automatic response that reverberates throughout our entire body.
Our breathing becomes shallow, blood pressure rises, our stomach tightens, muscles tense up and adrenaline is released. This response is meant to be short-termed, yet we live constantly with stressful situations.
Unless we make a conscious effort to let go of our stress it will stay permanently turned on creating diseases such as heart problems, headaches, depression and anxiety.
Taking the time to breathe
and relax through your reactions will strengthen your body's natural support systems. While if stress is not release will break down your body's immune system over time.
Read more on how stress can and do affect your body, the whole cardiovascular system and increase your blood pressure levels.
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One of the most important thing you can do to return your body to optimum health is to release your stress. Whether through physical, mental or emotional activities.
All our talented individuals combine focus, speed and athleticism to win at their game. Watching a talented tennis player, dancer or natural athletes on how they are focus and their breathing, by integrating both worlds by blending physicality with stillness and expression through actions.
They all learn how to breathe, incorporating every energetic force into their actions.
So lets find our mental clarity, access the present moment and let go of our ego and breath in our life force.
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Eating for our blood type is another way for us to be healthy and overcome or even reverse a lot of our illnesses.
Read more about your blood type from Dr. D'Adamo's book on Cardiovascular Disease: Fight it with the Blood Type Diet (Eat Right 4 (for) Your Type Health Library).
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, find an activity or something that gives you profound relaxation and joy, it will help you to normalize your body's function, increase your energy, reduce your vascular constriction, improve your blood circulation and assist in the release of toxins. Connect the external (your body movements) with the internal (energy movement), and learn how to breathe to a healthier you.
Again thanks for reading this newsletter, please share it with your friends. But do encourage them to get their own copy and
join Overcoming High Blood Pressure newsletter group. They will be able to download and receive their own ebook copy of how to use acupressure to lower their blood pressure.
If you would like to
write about a topic that is close to your heart that will benefit us all on staying healthy please share and thank you.
Also, remember to contact me with any topic you would like me to research and present for my newsletter, by using my Contact Me page.
Warmest regards,
Author & Publisher: Info On High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer
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