Eat To Live Plan For 2017 And End High Blood Pressure
January 6, 2017
Eat to live by expanding your palate with the rainbow of colorful foods and increase your longevity. Studies have stated that 87 percent of adults did not meet the basic vegetable servings recommended. Lets talk about starting the New Year better than how it ended where our diet is concerned.
InfoOnHBP is wishing you a prosperous and healthy 2017.
Our topics for newsletter Issue #63 are:
HBP Health Tips Corner
Heart Healthy Recipe
The best eat to live foods have a rainbow of colors. And, there are an impressive variety of vegetables to consume when they are in season that will give longevity and good health.
Colors found in plant based foods indicate their abundance of necessary phytochemical and nutrients that are vital in treating high blood pressure.
The more colorful you make your diet the healthier your body will be.
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The nonprofit, Produce for Better Health Foundation stated that "plant phytochemical may act as antioxidants, protect and regenerate essential nutrients". Joel Fuhrman, M.D. author of The End of Heart Disease: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease , is also of the same opinion and he has scientific proof and case studies documenting the reversal and prevention of many medical conditions.
Some facts to consider are:
- Yellow and Orange Colors found in squash and tomatoes point to a higher level of vitamins C and A.
- Dark Green Leafy Greens and Cabbages are filled with chlorophyll that have detoxifying properties.
- Red Bell Peppers have lycopene associated with lowering the risk of blood pressure, and breast cancers.
- The colors of Purple and Blue found in radicchio, red cabbage and eggplant deliver vitamins C and K. The anthocyanin that create the color are powerful heart-healthy antioxidants.
So try one new vegetable dish a week and eat what tastes good, not what they say is good for whatever ailment alone. Because some days we crave something sweet like carrots and another time we want something bitter or tart. your body will tell you what you need.
So listen to your body and eat to live.
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Beets will help keep you heart healthy, so try this delicious juice.

- 2 medium size red beets, tops included
- 2 large carrots
- 2 Granny Smith apples
- 1 medium knob ginger
- 1/4 pineapple
Make sure all your fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed. Cut all ingredients into small pieces and feed into juicer.
Once all ingredients are pressed, stir and pour into a chilled glass and enjoy!!!
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It is said, if a cup of cooked greens are eaten daily, along with some form of physical activity, it is likely that you have added years to your life. So get 95 percent of your food from plants.
Again thanks for reading this newsletter, please share it with your friends. But do encourage them to get their own copy and join Overcoming High Blood Pressure newsletter group. They will be able to download and receive their own ebook copy of how to use acupressure to lower their blood pressure.
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Warmest regards,
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